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From the author: Sometimes I want to throw the computer out the window when I see my son playing some computer game. But this is not a solution. I come up and watch for a while, ask questions, express my opinion about the game. I noticed that after this I quickly stopped playing. I offer you to think about a topic like computer games. Psychology is the science of the soul. And the soul is the feelings of a person. What is a computer game? This is, first of all, a game. And without a game, human life is impossible. The philosophical dictionary gives the following definition of game: “Game is a non-productive activity that is not carried out for practical purposes, but serves for entertainment and amusement, bringing joy in itself.” Sartre wrote about play this way: “A person must choose: to be nothing or to play, which is what he does.” As long as a person exists on Earth, he will continue to play. And since the computer has come into our lives, whether we like it or not, we will have to accept both the computer and computer games as reality. Another thing is that, unfortunately, we don’t always want to understand computer games, much less accept them. The human brain is designed in such a way that for every plus it finds its own minus. And the more our children tell us that computer games are cool, it’s interesting, it’s a thrill, the more we see this as a threat and look for the downsides. This will not lead to anything good. I propose to listen to our children and try to understand them, accept their advantages, and put their disadvantages out of brackets. After all, children need our objective, wise assessment, so that we see both the minuses and the pluses and help them figure out what is good and what is bad, our acceptance of what is interesting to them, and not condemnation. Otherwise, we will get the opposite effect, push children away from us, cause protest and a desire to do what they are forbidden to do. The computer game handles the need for evaluation well. She is not a mother or a father to praise or criticize, if you built a tower - well done, if you didn’t build it - your problem, you’ll build it next time. And no one will play along. Children also need from an adult attention to their feelings and space for their expression. We do not always give children such an opportunity; we cut them off mid-sentence, do not allow them to express their feelings, and deprive them of communication with us in this way. And the computer provides this opportunity: a computer game is one of the safest ways to communicate and express your feelings. There are several basic emotions: fear, anger, surprise, disgust, pleasure. The person feels the need to express these emotions, but the environment is not rich enough to evoke these emotions. Simply put, kids are bored. And for adults too. With the development of mankind, many things that previously took up a person’s time began to be performed by technology, trade, medicine, etc. A lot of time was freed up for creativity. Computer games provide an opportunity to satisfy this need without leaving home. Children need knowledge and information from adults. But we are not able to give children as much knowledge as they need, due to our busyness, our fear of answering incorrectly, or simply because of our ignorance. The computer copes well with this task. Children learn more English words alone than in lessons at school, and gradually, through play, without tension or fear for a grade. If you listen to teenagers talking about a computer game, you might think that they are speaking some other language; you won’t understand right away, there are so many new words there. Children need protection from adults. But we cannot provide them with complete safety due to completely objective reasons; we cannot always be there. And sometimes adults do not want to provide this very security and say that no one protected them in childhood, and now they have grown up. And sometimes it’s just the belief that life should teach and strengthen in difficulties. A computer game provides an opportunity to practice different options for independent defense and attack in a playful way. Also from adults to children?