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I would like to share with you a client case. A client once came to me. She is a good specialist in her field, but it so happened that she was laid off. “But I was one of the best!” They kept some hacks, but I was fired! How can this be?!” Indeed, why can good specialists be fired and mediocre ones retained? Why do strong experts sit without clients, while some amateurs quietly make money? Because that’s how the world works. Unfortunately, there is no authority that would look for capable and talented people and promote them in their careers. You have to do it yourself. Someone from birth knows how to express themselves, loudly declare themselves and take what is theirs from the world. And someone sits quietly, timidly says something, and the world doesn’t even notice him. Specifically in the case of a client, we came up with the following: An infantile position in relation to management: “I’m small - and you’re big.” Because of this, sabotage of their instructions, instead of honest discussion. Inability to build trusting, mature relationships. And in her leadership position, it was no longer enough to just do her job well. This required communication skills, self-confidence, and the ability to defend one’s position. People work with people. And they choose those with whom they are comfortable interacting. I would like to tell you how my client and I worked this out, but there will be no happy ending. She rode off into the sunset with insights. It often happens that a client withdraws from his main work, content with what “has become clear” to him. Therefore, I decided to eliminate one-time consultations for new clients. I'm just interested in bringing people to results. And those who don’t need results are simply not my clients. In conclusion, I’ll also tell you about people who have problems taking theirs from the world. They are constantly modest, consider themselves unworthy of money, success, or good work. They are afraid to express their opinion and choose to remain in the shadows. Deep down they have the following beliefs: “I have no place in this world,” “taking this is bad,” “I’m not worthy.” These are people with damaged self-esteem. Some kind of deep and irrational self-doubt. Everything is with them! Smart, talented, charismatic! Well, it would seem - take it and do it. But here it’s like a glass wall. And I know what this wall consists of: From the pain of rejection experienced in childhood. From the feeling of abandonment and uselessness to the world. From the fear of being “not like everyone else,” “inadequate.” From the feeling of being uninteresting, faded, not worth attention. And here we come to childhood traumas. You can’t escape them with a one-time burst of motivation, positive thinking and pumping yourself up with confidence. This is something that sits deep and determines our perception of ourselves and life. Or rather, it distorts it. It makes the world unsafe, angry, rejecting. And only by honestly meeting yourself can you see it and heal it. Come out of this inner darkness into the light. Of course, it is not possible to do this on your own, there is too much pain. The psyche simply will not let you go there, but will lead you in circles, hiding behind defense mechanisms. That's why people come to therapy. Read more about me and various benefits here: https://anna-psy.aqulas.me