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From the author: Problems in relationships with the opposite sex are the most common. It is the partners that are significant to us and the desire to harmonize our lives that motivate us to look for solutions. Repeated problems of the same type require special attention. Their repetition indicates that the person has not learned the experience. It is very important to determine the origins of the problem - to establish a diagnosis. Analysis of the natal chart will help you understand the causes of the problem. The second step is choosing a method that will help solve the problem effectively. The article was published on my website in the “Questions - Answers” ​​section. One of the most common problems is difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex. Despite the general result - the presence of dissatisfaction or the inability to create a strong and happy relationship, the causes of problems can be different. And they can be solved using a variety of means. Recurring problems that are based on a common scenario require special attention. One of my clients wrote about such relationships: “I have problems with the opposite sex. The same thing is repeated all the time: I fall in love, I trust, I fly, I believe; and then cheating on the male side... and I can’t forgive it - I start to hate it, I ruin everything, there’s a breakup. I worked a lot on myself, but I have such pain from betrayal and jealousy!!!” Conflict relationships with men are characterized in the birth horoscope by corresponding tense aspects (squaring Mars and Venus; squaring the Sun and Moon) and indicate a tense type of relationship with men, which is inherent in a person. at the time of his birth. It can be characterized as confrontation, competition, conflict and disappointment. Such relationships cause dissatisfaction and resentment and often end in separation. Analysis of the natal chart helps to identify problems, indicates their source, and suggests solutions. Thus, with the aspect of the square of the Moon and the Sun, a person inherited a tense model of relationships from his parents, who probably quarreled often and, possibly, divorced. As an adult, a person repeats this pattern of behavior in his relationships. With this aspect, problems in relationships with men originate from the father and his relationship with his daughter. During a tense relationship with her father, a woman develops a distrust of men and a fear of repeating the fate of her mother. Since childhood, a woman has not seen the cost of a harmonious relationship. The negative charge and pattern of behavior attracts corresponding men to her, who are often similar to her father. And it reacts and manifests itself according to the learned behavior model. To solve such problems, psychological work is often required in consultation with a psychologist, during which special methods are used to understand how the program is launched, get rid of it and create a new harmonious one. It is difficult for a person to understand what he is doing wrong, how his program is running. To solve the problem you need to: forgive your father, detach yourself from the model of your parents, forgive men who caused pain and disappointment, realize the reason for such an experience, free yourself from fears and disbelief, and create a new harmonious response program. Resentments are the causes of many diseases Resentment against men in connection with betrayals and betrayals accumulate. Accumulated negativity weakens the immune system and blocks the circulation of energy. Therefore, grievances against men are the causes of diseases that manifest themselves in the field of gynecology. Often grievances lie at the root of cancer. Getting rid of them is important not only for the possibility of creating happy family relationships, but also for improving your health. The reaction to men is certain expectations and “response programs” that, being in your field, attract certain partners and situations. Negative relationship experience is a background that interferes with new experience and clogsvision of the situation. In order to create a qualitatively new type of relationship with men, it is necessary to clear the “accumulated garbage”: learn lessons, draw the right conclusions, get rid of grievances and condemnation, remove conflict programs, master a new harmonious type of response. The origins of negative programs are childhood, past, as well as previous incarnations... Depending on where the problem goes and how old it is, different tools will be required to solve it. Negative experience of interaction with men could have been formed in childhood in the parental family or in a relationship with the first man. In this case, working through the problem in a relationship goes faster and on average requires 3-5 consultations with a psychologist. The origins of problems in relationships can go back to past incarnations, as evidenced by the presence of one of the retrograde planets in the birth horoscope: Mercury, Venus or Mars. When Jupiter is retrograde, a person’s self-esteem suffers and the cause of many problems is self-doubt. Retrograde planets indicate that the origins of problems go back to past incarnations, where a person made a mistake. And now he needs to find the right solution and reconsider his values, strengthen his self-confidence. The complexity of the situation with retrograde planets is that a person triggers a previously learned behavior pattern that he is not aware of. When problems are repeated more than 2 times, this indicates that their origins go back to the past, and the problems are karmic. Even when problems are repeated in this life, a certain reaction stereotype and a certain outlook on life are formed. For example, that all men cheat, that men cannot be trusted, that love brings suffering and pain. Having such a vision and attitude attracts the right men. And the circle closes: life events again and again confirm the formed vision. Why is it useful to work with a psychologist? It is quite difficult to get out of the stereotypical response reaction yourself. To solve this, special psychological methods will help to neutralize the program and develop a new harmonious style of response. You can read about this in more detail in my articles “Disproportionate reactions or who controls our self”, “Astropsychology - a resource for positive changes”. The pace of movement, the speed of processing is set by a person’s readiness, his level of energy, the strength of desire, the degree of awareness. People who are motivated to change the situation manage to work through areas of pain within a month of work. If you solve it yourself, the problem drags on for years, growing with new grievances and disappointments. And a false opinion is created that there is no happiness or it is not possible. What are the advantages of holographic therapy and support point therapy methods? In my consultations, I use methods from various psychological directions, choosing what is most suitable for a given person. Holographic therapy gives good results - a method of solving specific life problems, during which negativity and behavioral programs are neutralized, new harmonious ways of responding are developed. Holographic therapy combines psychology and energy tools. We work with the negative emotions and sensations that a person experiences. Task: to get to the situation that is the root cause of the problem and clean it and replace the generated program. For example, during the sessions you can neutralize the “men cheat” program and develop harmonious attitudes towards men and family life, harmonious ways of behavior. This will help attract other men, manifest themselves differently and find happiness in family life. Depending on the complexity of the problem, how deep it goes into the past, 2 to 5 sessions are required, which are successfully conducted via Skype. The duration of a holographic therapy session is 1.5 hours. For comparison, working on 1 topic in psychoanalysis can take 3-6 months. In this case, the solution to the karmic problem will never be achieved. Since the origins]