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From the author: Half a century of the space age. Results and thoughts. Where is the starry sky? Above our heads or inside us? Left or right, above or below our feet? How does it attract and call brave hearts from century to century? And if today it did not live up to our hopes, then what court will accept the claim against it? And are we ready to judge it ourselves by the measure with which it claims to judge us? For half a century, people have been in the sky. The blue skies are stuffed with electronics and metal like a holiday pie filled with sweets. And filled to the brim with the weight of orbital vehicles, they are ready to fall on our heads. However, the benefits of progress are undeniable, as are the countless applications of space technology in everyday life. It is estimated that a ruble invested in space brings eighteen rubles in profit on earth. Only drug trafficking provides greater profitability...Heroin skyCosmonautics is the opium for the people of the technogenic era...Is craving for the stars a drug of modern civilization? The opium of technogenic humanity? Criminally grown and supplied in abundance to the market by state octopuses, as the leading drug dealers of our time? After all, space flights are not only about ultra-modern spy satellites that allow you to control the movements and conversations of creatures on the surface of the earth. Not just military communications and missile guidance systems. But also delight. The euphoria provoked by the first flights is similar in strength and physiological mechanisms to the collective use of ecstasy on a national scale. And even the whole planet. The streets and squares were filled with crazy, jubilant crowds of laughing and dancing people. At night, the ecstasy turned into sexual rapture, so that at dawn it would again splash out with dances and songs. In strict accordance with the laws of pharmacology, the body of society soon demanded an increase in the initial dose. The joy of the first victories faded before our eyes. The psyche of the masses excited by space required ever larger doses and an increase in the frequency of administration. People were eager to go to the Moon and Mars, reading fantastic novels about the Andromeda nebula. Real epics were transferred to the big screen, turning into modern epics about the Argonauts. So that they would soon completely disappear under the onslaught of cinematic simulacra and fantasies about Star Wars. Space has become a myth. The time has come for breaking... The star frustrator The human predator broke its teeth on the firmament... The dreams of romantics and the forecasts of futurologists about orbital cities and settlements on the Moon crumbled like sand castles. Half a century ago, few doubted that in the twenty-first century the sky would be inhabited by millions of people. The debate was about whether people would restore the atmosphere of Mars so that they could walk without spacesuits, or cover their cities with huge domes to preserve local nature. However, today we are further from the dream of the stars than centuries ago. Cosmonautics, like any drug, turned out to be too expensive. The addiction drank the juices of the giants locked in a stellar race. The collapse of communism and today's death throes of Western economies are an inevitable reckoning for the madness that has gripped the world. All the current problems of developing countries could be solved with funds from one single orbital flight. And along with them, the issues of terrorism, hunger and migration. Space flight is not only the highest achievement of mankind. But also his most serious crime. Turning into billions dying of hunger and disease in third world countries. A scam by a bunch of self-proclaimed prophets, like no other in history. And this crime is still waiting for its Nuremberg. But it is more difficult to measure the moral damage. The feeling of frustration and powerlessness that gripped the world after the failure of the dream of celestial expansion. And the hidden resentment of the deprived billions... March of the God-fighters If God is the universe, then the astronaut is the Holy Spirit? And also, space is a religion. New faith of technogenic God-mankind. Flying gave a feeling of ecstasy comparable to religious. The impression of suddenly expanding to scale...