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How to maintain mental health Life does not stand still and often it presents us with unpleasant surprises that poison this very life in every possible way. No one is immune from troubles, troubles are something that comes across every person’s path, the question is how to deal with them. Problems prevent a person from living a normal life, prevent them from enjoying what is around them and enjoying their existence. Unfortunately, some people are so deeply immersed in their troubles and difficulties that, due to the huge pile of negativity that has fallen on them, they do not see a way out. It’s like you want to walk along a corridor littered with garbage to the street: at first you will walk and shovel the garbage to the sides, but gradually your strength will leave you and you will not be able to go further. This is a terrible feeling and I think many people are very familiar with it. But how can we not let it get to this point? How to avoid falling into this trap? There are many ways out of such a situation, but there are no easy ways out of them, because finding the right path is work, and any work requires time and effort. So, what can you do to prevent bad moods and stress from completely taking over your life: 1. Know how to be distracted. Sometimes things stop working out for us, it’s like when we’re hammering a nail, we start hitting ourselves on the finger with a hammer. If this happens, put it aside, your subconscious has lost the correct algorithm of actions and errors have begun, give it rest and time to return to normal.2. Don't put off problems. If you feel that problems are appearing in life, don't put them off until tomorrow. Man is a very lazy and timid creature, and that is why, by postponing a problem until tomorrow, you are postponing it indefinitely.3. Do not use alcohol and other psychoactive substances for relaxation. Alcohol and other drugs will not help solve problems and cope with difficulties, they will only help you get away from them, and then only for a while. When the intoxication passes, unresolved matters will return and seem even more difficult, and the imaginary feeling of relaxation will only cause addiction.4. Control your life. Leading an unregulated lifestyle, with a lack of proper daily routine, poor nutrition, and free sexual behavior never leads to the preservation of mental and physical health. Try to sleep at least seven hours, eat healthy food, exercise, be careful when choosing sexual partners, self-discipline and self-control are the key to a healthy psyche.5. Know how to speak out. Don’t be shy to talk about your difficulties. It has long been known that if you share what worries you with someone, it will become easier. Sometimes, even just by telling a person about your problem, you can come to a certain conclusion or even find an answer to an exciting question. Talk to your loved ones, friends, if necessary, find a psychologist and look for a way out with him. Good luck to you. Sazykin A.A