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Good day! Today I want to touch on a very important topic. Namely, how did people live without constellations before, or rather, who did the work of a constellation before? Constellations, as a rule, are often a matter related to life and death. Death is a bereavement. Not everyone is able to experience the grief of loss; these are too strong feelings that are very often blocked, remaining unexperienced. A person, having failed to cope with them, continues to live. His children, seeing how bad the parent is, unconsciously begin to adopt their feelings, relieving mom or dad of these strong experiences. Grown children carry this burden, and their children take on the feelings in the same way. And so on until there is a person who can withstand it. Now there is such a profession - constellation. In fact, a constellation is the person who can look at the difficult things in the client’s system and let through those feelings that the client cannot live on his own, because it is too much for him. Very often these feelings do not even belong to the client, but were inherited from the previous generation, as described above. Previously, people lived in villages. And if someone died, then at the funeral of the deceased there were always mourning women. They cried and wailed for the deceased for a very long time and loudly. They were those who could pass through the difficult feelings associated with death. If there was no mourning grandmother in the village, then she was brought from a neighboring village. They were the ones who did this work, and I must say that they did it very well. They could handle it. And the problem of conveying unlived feelings was significantly less. Crying was not only at funerals. In the Cossack tradition, for example, at weddings there was a whole ritual - the crying of the bride. Previously, when a girl got married, she lost her belonging to her Clan and transferred completely to her husband’s Clan. This is also a loss. And therefore, there was a ritual of mourning. And there are quite a lot of such songs in traditional folklore. It is no coincidence that the method of constellations arose in the second half of the twentieth century. By this moment, humanity had undergone a very serious transformation of its way of life. And now those same mourning grandmothers are no longer there. But the world is structured in such a way that if one important social institution disappears, it is replaced by something else. The constellation method allows, in its own way, from a psychotherapeutic point of view, to stop carrying feelings that once, for some reason, could not be accepted, lived and released. Now this method is developing and its capabilities are becoming wider; with the help of constellations, many issues can be resolved. With constellations, it is possible to live through these difficult feelings and let them go. This can be done safely. There is no need to live these feelings 100% in the arrangement. By touching these feelings to 0.001% or even less in the arrangement, they can be accepted and released. The presence of a arranger and a group nearby helps the client touch this. Old blocked feelings will no longer influence a person the way they did before. A lot of energy is released for movement into life! Constellation group, I carry out work according to your requests https://www.b17.ru/training.php?id=46410