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Suppose you contacted me with the goal of establishing a relationship with your beloved man, because the same scenario is developing again in which the previous three left you. Next, I will describe in a somewhat exaggerated way what to expect in our work with you. Part 1: To solve your life problem, you must be in full combat readiness. Otherwise, it’s like trying to do something with a temperature of about forty - nothing good will come of it, and you’ll also lose consciousness due to the intense heat. Therefore, the primary task is to alleviate your present state here and now. To do this, we find out what’s wrong. Let’s say our imaginary client, who has problems with her husband, is in tears and says that her heart is heavy because of this whole situation. Are we clarifying what we will work with? “Well, it’s like there’s a stone there,” the client answers. It’s interesting that we sometimes have a stone in our hearts, and not, for example, a lump that always appears only in the throat. Those. in the psyche, all problems are coded in a strictly defined way, and you will never find the same stone in the throat - there is always something liquidy and crumpled there. We remove this stone from the heart with the help of special psychotechnologies. In a state of light trance, I ask the client to get out of her own body - to disidentify, because following the famous principle of R. Assagioli, we do not have power over everything with which we are identified, but we can easily control everything with which we are disidentified. Those. You can’t wash your car without leaving it. And within the framework of this trance disidentification, the client gets the opportunity to cleanse his psyche, to remove that very stone on his heart with his own hands. Thus, we have, as it were, removed the primary symptoms that simply torment you and do not allow you to take a single step on the road to solving problems and mental recovery . The temperature is gone, you feel better, the path out of the problem has begun. But where do we go? We pay great attention to your goal: what do you want instead of the problem? Part 2: So that you can just move on with your life, we removed the symptom quickly enough, but so that it is never returned again in one form or another, it is still necessary to eliminate the cause. We have a goal, and we have a problem - for our hypothetical client, this is a problem with her beloved man, which still did not disappear even after her condition improved. How often we cannot cope with our problems ourselves simply because we do not have the strength. So one of the most important steps on the path to your goal is to fill your psyche with these forces, creating an irresistible motivation for change. This procedure usually reveals a lot of new things for the client himself - for example, you find out that you are not at all ready for change, even for the better. Because they just got used to it, because change is scary and incomprehensible, because they lost all faith in themselves. Those. at this stage, our task is not just to bring you to your senses, but also to train a real fighter who is capable of fighting for his happiness. 3rd part: As part of our work with you, we will definitely take a journey into your past - to the very roots of today's problems. Although this is perhaps the only intersection with psychoanalysis, because finding these key problems in the past requires me not years of clarification, but only five minutes of using the psychotechnology of working on the Generalized Life Line. Any life events are stored in our psyche in the form of experience, or a template for action in future similar situations. Let’s say that once you learn to drive a car, you always drive in your own way, regardless of the brand of your subsequent cars. Having developed our gait, we use it wherever we go. Likewise, the rest of the experience seems to create a map on which a specific route of action is drawn. But there are no guarantees that this map will exactly correspond to reality. Yes, it may contain the same Kremlin and Red Square, but in addition to these places, Moscow changes a lot every year, let alone 20 or 30 years. What if in.