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Memory is of great importance for a person because it is the repository of our experience, which means not only routine information, for example, which route to get to the city hospital, but our entire personal history, and therefore our own personality. Memory training will help you maintain youth, activity, and the efficiency of your thinking, and extend your professional life. Remember everything There is a theory according to which a person remembers literally everything that he has encountered at least once in his life. But most simply do not realize the amount of information stored in their psyche. And this is considered normal. However, history knows people who have phenomenal memories. An increased ability to remember and reproduce information is called hypermnesia. It should be noted that for those with hypermnesia, this is more of a scourge than a gift. The famous Russian mnemonist Solomon Shereshevsky admitted that the memories that come to his head cannot allow him to be distracted and do not allow him to sleep. He was able to remember many letters, words and numbers, completely unrelated to each other, and reproduced them even years later in the same sequence. When Shereshevsky was read out material for memorization, he imagined Gorky Street, which he knew thoroughly. He walked in his imagination along his favorite street and arranged symbols to remember along the way. The letter “A” will be placed at the entrance to the grocery store, the number “16” will be hung on a lamppost, and so on. And returning back, he collected these figures and reproduced them for the amusement of the public. I wonder how he forgot one character one day. He then walked for a long time along Gorky Street in his mind, until he suddenly decided to look into a dark gateway, where in the shadows he simply did not notice him. Shereshevsky's example tells us how memory works. Logic versus imagination Our psyche is not a keeper of information, just words, objects, it stores connections, based on connections we generate information. But connections can be different - logical and associative. Therefore, all types of mnemonics can be divided into logical and associative. Logical memory is sequential and differs in that more complex information is encoded by simpler ones; this memory is built like a string of pearls - one piece of information is sequentially strung on a string, from which the next one follows, and so on. Most adults remember information in this way, but it is very slow and, most importantly, if one element is missing, then it is difficult to remember the subsequent ones. Associative memory, or figurative memory, is distinguished by the ability to form spontaneous connections, devoid of consistency and often completely irrational. Therefore, information becomes overgrown with a huge number of rich, vivid and emotional images. Forgetting one element of such a picture is not scary, since it maintains its integrity - other details remain that will lead to the goal. Mnemonics Today, many different memorization techniques have been invented, called mnemonics or mnemonics. Most of them are based on the formation of associations with memorized information. We illustrated one of these techniques with the example of S. Shereshevsky. In fact, there is no need to reinvent the “bicycle” and it is not necessary to specifically study mnemonics. Remembering this is natural and common to everyone. To do this, it is enough: 1. Be attentive - focus on the information; if you are somewhere far away, you simply will not hear or see what you need to perceive now. Know that you can listen, or you can hear. Be active in relation to information, it will not remember itself. 2. Notice connections - if you are studying, for example, notes and you are sitting in the kitchen, someone is rattling pots and the TV is on, this is not a hindrance, these are associations, connect the information with what is happening, scroll through the connections a couple of times in your head. 3. Repeat – repetition is necessary in order to draw attention to information, but do not overdo it, you can become overtired and crowd out the importance of one)