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So many people are now concerned about finding themselves. Firstly, it’s fashionable (you can brag about it to everyone). Secondly, it is profitable (if you find yourself, you will start earning money). Thirdly, everyone does it. Against their background, with your “work”, “home” or “family” you can stand out greatly. ***- How is it that you don’t do anything? One of my friends bombarded Masha with questions while lying on the beach. Masha, this is my work colleague who asked to go to the beach with me on Saturday morning. - Excuse me, I'm working with Olga. I can't say that I'm not doing anything, I'm working! Only, this is not my dream, and in general psychology as such does not interest me. I just haven't found myself yet. And to be honest, I don’t know how to do this. - Yes, this cannot be! How can you live without a goal? My friend was surprised, applying sunscreen to herself. - Or maybe finding yourself is the goal? Masha asked quietly... ***What to do if you don’t know what you want? Who are you? What is your dream? What to achieve and what to strive for? 1) The simplest thing you can do is remember what you dreamed of as a child. Remember what you were interested in? Did you like sewing or drawing? Or maybe you dreamed of singing? A person cannot dream of what is initially unattainable to him. A thought born in your head can become a reality because... if it was born there, it means you have all the resources to implement it. If you dreamed of becoming a president as a child, then you have everything to become one. The main thing is to develop all these resources and not lose them along the way of life. Therefore, go back to childhood and remember your dreams. 2) Write down on a piece of paper: - What do you like to do? - What can you do? - What do you want to do? At least 30 for each item. Try to put everything together. You should have 3-5 cases. Come up with an activity that combines skill, desire and love. 3) Think about what you would do if your income was 200 thousand a day? And you didn’t have to earn money or think about money at all. Many can say that they would go traveling and relaxing. Okay, what would you do after you’ve finished all your travels? 4) Answer the most important question: What can’t you help but do? After analyzing these 4 points, you may not get much further in your search for yourself. The mistake of many people who cannot find their purpose is that they want everything at once. They arrived immediately, they immediately had a vision (who I am in the future). Why do you need this? Why call yourself right away? What will this profession name give you? Why should you choose? For example: “I can’t decide whether I should make jam or sew.” “How to advertise yourself, who am I? A writer or a psychologist.” Understand that while you are making up your mind, years pass, and you are still standing still, but you could be moving. Finding yourself and your talents cannot be found as if by magic. He, just like you, transforms over the years. You grow and he grows. It's like climbing a mountain. At first you stand at the foot of the mountain and see only the ground and a few meters around you. You only know what you can't live without. You start doing something, so you climb the mountain. With each ascent, greater and greater horizons open up to you. Now you already see fields in the distance, various people, opportunities and new ideas appear around you that you had never seen before. And it’s true, you were below. The closer the peak is to you, the clearer you will see yourself, your purpose and the meaning of being on this earth. You will set more and more new goals for yourself. The question of purpose will disappear by itself, you will be imbued with it. To do this, you just need to start. Take this path, analyze, think and do something. And Masha, she did, she came to me, even if she is not interested in psychology. It’s just that she’s still at the foot of the mountain. Stop looking for yourself, get up. Not tomorrow, not in the evening, but now. Analyze and find that grain, that foot of the mountain from which to start. Start doing: baking pies, sewing dolls, writing articles,.