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Father is a very significant figure in the life of any person. And of course, the father is the first representative of the world of men, for a girl. The Lord created us as a man and a woman, and in full contact, between a man and a woman, a field arises in which it becomes clear how the world works and powerful spiritual development is possible. That’s why we are so attractive to each other. A man, through a woman, gets acquainted with the world of feelings, with its many shades, the ability to communicate, care, love, kindness, femininity. And a woman, through a man, learns to think clearly, maintain sanity in any situation and healthy composure .What a father is for a girl is her relationship with society, what kind of relationship she had with her father, what kind of relationship she had with the world in a woman’s adult life. Relationship with everything that has a masculine nature, money, power, etc. When a loving father accepts the otherness of a girl as a representative of the female world, and the girl becomes acquainted with the otherness of the male world, because she will create a family with a man, then the father is a guide to this world. You can understand something about yourself if you look at your relationship with your father. Dad teaches you to accept love from others, gives permission to be loved, to enjoy it, to feel valuable and significant. And an important question is the ability to live with a man. If there were negative attitudes in the family about the male world, that men are dangerous, traitors, etc. sometimes the attitudes are not obvious, they can only be seen in therapeutic work, men are pushed out of the family unconsciously under any pretext. The father greatly influences the formation of the daughter’s fortitude and security in society. Since ancient times it has been a custom - the women's world is when there is spirituality, sensuality inside the house, and the outside world is dangerous, and for men it’s the other way around. A successful father gives you the opportunity to boldly go out into the outside world, to feel calm and confident there. In childhood, we assessed dad from the point of view of efficiency: breadwinner, protector, breadwinner, and these relationships are passed on from mom - how effective he is in her eyes. There are several options, or examples of dad behavior. Dad is reliable, helps his loved ones, protects, and is a leader in external matters. the world or has friends and colleagues who respect him. Effective as a family partner, provider, protector, breadwinner - these are archetypal metaphors. The family exudes reliability from the father, the mother respects him and the children read this. Dad shows his daughter how to love a woman correctly. Dad is a holiday, an eternal youth, always wants to live without problems. And this is acceptable until the age of 6-7, but then the girl needs a feeling of security, so that dad does homework with you and is a support. He was interested in his daughter’s values ​​and supported her interests. The father is a tyrant - everyone in the house was afraid of him, everyone obeyed him, he usually waited for his son, he did not notice his daughter, or, on the contrary, he tried to instill male activities in the girl and she, trying to be loved by her father, grew up as a tomboy and then her father appreciated her .Dad is inaccessible, distant, detached, critical, emotionally cold. in the family, coalitions of children with mothers are created, dad does not need to talk about problems, dad can only be shown successes, and only then can he get a good assessment from dad. Dad is not known, there is no experience of living with him, the male world is not clear, dangerous. From What does women's success depend on: there are women who are healthy and successful in society. And they are successful in society, but either they are not healthy or their personal relationships have not worked out. Not successful in society, for various reasons. Studies were carried out on two groups of women. In the harmonious group, the father was successful and considered his daughter successful, rejoiced at his daughter, knew her feelings, desires, he liked the way she showed feminine traits and recognized her femininity , then the girl will know that she is valuable and interesting. Her father gave her a message - I like that you are a girl! In the second group, either unsuccessful fathers who left their family or successful ones who did not value their daughter, well, what to take from the girl. When it is not clear why a man is needed, he is weak-willed, not helpful, they are chosen men with deficient male!8-916-189-88 -47