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We talk a lot about self-love; for a fulfilling life, we really need to learn to love ourselves... but to love not only our Soul, but also our body. For many people, loving their appearance is completely unrealistic... this path seems absolutely impossible. “How is it even possible to accept that it’s unpleasant what you see in the mirror?..” - this is the question that arises for many who are overweight, have physical “disadvantages,” do not meet society’s standards of beauty, etc. Attempts by a person to change his appearance in any way, including surgical intervention (unless this is, of course, a medical necessity), this is unlikely to help him become better. A person will still remain dissatisfied with himself and will continue to look for flaws in his appearance. In fact, it’s not about appearance, not about how our body looks, but about our internal state... No matter what manipulations you do with your appearance, without accepting yourself as you are, nothing will help anyway . It is impossible for everyone to live according to the standards that society dictates... if we are all the same, what interest will there be in this. The fact that we are different from each other, the fact that we are different, is our uniqueness. And everyone is unique in their own way... even if you think you have a big nose, it's not a flaw - it's your feature. If we are given such an appearance by nature, then this is how it should be. Appearance is only how we feel about ourselves... and yes, appearance, in a sense, can be changed by changing your attitude and turning it into your dignity. In fact, how we look matters only to ourselves, and our appearance does not have much influence on our lives until we begin to overestimate its importance. And our appearance becomes important when we strive to receive recognition from others. You simply need to take care of your body, because you don’t have and won’t have anything else in this life. Our body is part of us and our mental state is reflected on it. If you don't love yourself, it's unlikely that your body will respond to you with good health and attractiveness. If you want to love the way you look, start by changing how you feel inside your body. The way you feel when you move, in general, when you perform any action, concentrate on your feelings, imagining yourself free and beautiful. Try to look at yourself through your inner feelings. This is something like meditation... close your eyes, imagine your image... look at it, you have a specific feeling in relation to this image, find it... if your feeling is unpleasant, try to change it to positive.. Don’t try to change the image itself, it’s the sensations that need to be changed... try to find and see something beautiful, unique in yourself that only you have and others don’t have... Each of us is unique and inimitable, it’s just necessary. learn to see in yourself... Loving yourself means loving your appearance, accepting yourself as you are... You can sign up for a consultation by calling +7 962 855-01-69 Whats App, Telegram or via a private message on the website.