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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert on television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, master of NLP, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, as you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Lilia Let’s now reflect a little on our life and the path we have traveled. We have already acquired something problematic, maybe in terms of some then illnesses, aging. Our body is a suit for the soul, it wears out, it has some kind of service life and operation. Someday the body, when it is completely worn out, will go to another world, but while it serves us, we must maintain it. in good condition, so that we can enjoy living, working, loving, having sex, etc. This is especially important for women, in addition to health, it is also important to maintain youth. So what do we have now? what we have in terms of appearance. Modern cosmetology and plastic surgery give us some benefits. We, modern, advanced ladies, adhere to this, give ourselves some kind of beauty injections, and this is not bad, what do we take into account next - Are there any good pills? in the pharmacy to maintain health and beauty: skin, face, hair. They usually give good results, which can be noticeable in about a month. They are not cheap, but worth it. All your changes with the help of injections - they prolong. (if these are good drugs for the skin), but of course, you need to read the instructions. I choose non-hormonal drugs from the same manufacturer, and I am always satisfied with them. And you can put off what needs to be repeated once every 6 months (in terms of the beauty of your face) for another half a year. Facial features become more defined, and the fact that the “skin is slipping” and the face is floating is, in general, no longer a problem. Further. I can’t help but say what I myself noticed. I call this the body diagram. There is a body that moves quickly, moves in space, or, for example, dances beautifully. Sometimes you look at a lady from behind. He walks briskly, his figure is more or less. And you think wow. And then she suddenly turns around, and you are surprised to discover that the lady is probably 70 years old. She’s just quite cheerful and active inside. She may be engaged in a variety or be this way by nature. More often than not, it’s both, but due to her mobility, she creates a more youthful feeling about herself. Or, on the contrary, a plump lady, often quite tall, somewhat masculine, but turns around and she turns out to be slightly over thirty, and you thought that she was all 50. What can you do? - Again, I’ll turn to my client - she once said: “teach me to dance.” I've always been wooden." She has a strong mind, but a wooden body. Why is this so? – Because a person often does not have a very flexible consciousness, iron logic, and rigid beliefs; he cannot be convinced or rebuilt. Hence, there is no flexibility in anything. In this case, it’s good to work through your thoughts and beliefs, be more flexible in all aspects, including in your body. Then - the voice. This is also an important factor. I have clients, but I haven’t seen them all in person, sometimes it’s just Skype or phone. And you think that by age she is some elderly lady with a raspy voice, it turns out that she is not yet forty. - Why, why? - There may be some kind of hereditary factor. But maybe it’s worth working on your voice: for example, take vocal lessons, or do something that will help you change and here, so to speak, “rejuvenate your ligaments.” Or you will attend some kind of choir - and this will also give results.. There is 1 more trick. She will be