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Psychologist Irinay Solovyova, specially for the magazine “Our Psychology” Did you think your physical boundaries are your skin? No, your clothes also belong to them, be it a stylish evening dress or a dressing gown with a daisy pattern. Even 100 years ago, one of the first psychologists, the American William James, wrote that clothes are a full part of personality! Part of its physical boundaries. Our individuality expresses itself through the choice of this or that clothing, and, in turn, “The costume makes the clown” - our sense of self depends on what we are wearing. Once upon a time, clothing appeared as a necessary physical protection: from hypothermia, damage. .. And then it became a symbol of civilization, acquired an important social function and acquired psychological symbolism. The simplest clothing of primitive peoples, first of all, covered the genitals - the most important organ from the point of view of procreation. Then the initially physical role grew into a social and psychological one - even the most daring costumes in modern society cover the genital organs. From a psychological point of view, clothing plays 2 functions: 1. Self-presentation. This is an opportunity not only to show your individuality (or hide it, be unnoticeable), but also to declare your social status, claim a certain place in the social hierarchy (expensive, fashionable, designer clothes).2. Adaptation, message: “I am a member of this pack, I obey its laws.” If in the first case we dress in accordance with fashion and fashion can be neglected, then in the second case we dress in accordance with decency, and this is serious. For violating decency, we are subject to punishment of varying degrees of severity from society. When it comes to clothing, two programs collide in us: natural (innate) and social. They can contradict each other: if in severe cold the body is ready to wrap itself in the skin of a cave bear, even if it has not yet been removed from the bear, then in the hot summer the body demands freedom and nudity, and the social program of our society prohibits nudity. And there is no clear compromise between these programs; we have to look for a compromise between what is desirable for the body and what is possible from the point of view of society. It is important to understand that clothing is always a kind of convention, each society has its own: loincloth, crinoline, burqa, codpiece... But this convention must be respected and followed if you want to be accepted by this society. One of the most common social mechanisms for regulating our behavior is shame. Shame is not an innate feeling, but introduced from the outside in the process of education, which is why it is called a “social feeling.” It begins to form after one and a half years and is based on the fear of rejection and auto-regression. In a state of shame, you can cause severe harm to yourself; a striking example is Japanese hara-kiri. By socializing a child, he is instilled with a sense of shame, including that associated with nudity. We begin to be ashamed of our nudity even in preschool childhood, and this is a social, not a natural mechanism. Every civilized person has shame of his nakedness. But he can be healthy and unhealthy. What is the difference? How to stop being ashamed of your body? The main criterion for healthy shame of nudity: It is adequate to the situation, meets social requirements. For example, at a dinner party you would be ashamed to be naked, but you feel free in a public bath and in bed with your loved one - there nudity is appropriate. Signs of unhealthy shame of nudity: You experience shame and embarrassment when nudity is appropriate: in the shower or sauna, during lovemaking... This kind of problem speaks of a strong Super-Ego - this is an internal construct, a part of our personality associated with shoulds, decency, compliance with social requirements... In the childhood of such a child there were many demands, teachings, great prohibitions and restrictions associated with sexuality. In your nakedness, you are ashamed of the imperfection of your body: as a whole or some parts. This is already a problem of self-esteem, self-acceptance.