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Very often people who come to me for consultation are not those who seem to be suffering the most, namely people suffering from depression, but their relatives, parents, children. To live with a person who constantly dissatisfied with something, gloomy, whiny, unrestrained, or simply “lying like a log” on the sofa and doing nothing, quite difficult. Our mood depends not only on what it is like for us, but also on the environment in which we find ourselves. And if the environment at work can be changed, then it is almost impossible to part with a loved one who is depressed. First, let’s define the term what depression is. Depression is a serious illness that sharply reduces the ability to work and brings suffering to both the patient and his loved ones And since the Internet and the media are full of different information about depression, they began to treat it like a runny nose, they say it will go away on its own. In addition, despite the enormous “everyday” awareness of depression, few people are aware of the real manifestations and consequences of depression. Therefore, many sufferers of this disease seek help when it becomes quite difficult to cope on their own or with the help of a psychologist. Such patients go straight to a psychiatrist. Depression often ends in suicide. The manifestations of depression are very diverse and vary depending on the form of the disease. Let's list the most typical signs of this disorder: Emotional manifestations * melancholy, suffering, depressed, depressed mood, despair * anxiety, feeling of internal tension, expectation of trouble * irritability * guilt, frequent self-recrimination * dissatisfaction with oneself, decreased self-confidence, decreased self-esteem * decreased or loss of the ability to experience pleasure from previously enjoyable activities * decreased interest in the environment * loss of the ability to experience any feelings (in cases of deep depression) * depression is often combined with anxiety about the health and fate of loved ones, as well as with the fear of appearing inadequate in public places Physiological manifestations * sleep disturbances (insomnia, drowsiness) * changes in appetite (loss or overeating) * impaired bowel function (constipation) * decreased sexual needs * decreased energy, increased fatigue during normal physical and intellectual activity, weakness * pain and various unpleasant sensations in the body (for example, in the heart, in the stomach area, in the muscles) Behavioral manifestations * passivity, difficulty engaging in goal-directed activities * avoidance of contacts (tendency to solitude, loss of interest in other people) * refusal of entertainment * alcoholism and abuse of psychoactive substances that give temporary relief Mental manifestations * difficulty concentrating, concentrating, memory impairment. * difficulty making decisions * the predominance of gloomy, negative thoughts about yourself, about your life, about the world in general * a gloomy, pessimistic vision of the future with a lack of perspective, thoughts about the meaninglessness of life * thoughts of suicide (in severe cases of depression) * the presence of thoughts about your own uselessness, insignificance, helplessness * slowness of thinking To make a diagnosis of depression, it is necessary that some of the listed symptoms persist for at least two weeks. (Read more: http://www.pobedish.ru/main/depress?id=113#ixzz3dyXwKzLv)And this is what happens when loved ones see part of this picture. They begin to “play” and “flirt” with the depressed person for months. Often, this helps for a while, but the situation has not been resolved and is not being resolved. What do loved ones most often do that slows down recovery and refusal of specialist help? 1. Listening to the constant complaints of the sufferer. Complaints may be ongoing. These are constant requests for help, a constant retelling of all failures. And as a rule, complaints cannot be limited to just listening to those around.