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I offer this wonderful practice “HUG” Right now, go up to your loved one, mom, dad, brother, sister, grandmother, grandson (even if you are in a quarrel) and hug him / her from the soul and pure heart. You don't have to wait until one of you is ready to hug, you can hug right now and receive the warmth and poise of your loved one in the moment. Your hug is deep and so will your happiness. Hugging has been proven to heal and prolong life. Hugs help restore energy and resource. When you practice “hugs” consciously and with concentration on positive emotions, they give you healing, understanding, a feeling of closeness, happiness, comfort and a lot of happiness. Conscious hugs help you understand, accept, and make peace with the other person. You can practice hugging with a friend, child, parent, or even a tree. You can also mentally hug a person who is not nearby, sending him love. The exchange of energies also occurs. When we are hugged by loved ones, dear people inside, as if a spring is triggered, at these moments everyone unconsciously experiences a surge of energy, the heart begins to beat faster, and there is peace and tranquility in the soul. We go beyond routine and conventions, prohibitions and restrictions. It’s as if a window opens through which fresh air and Life itself rush in. The hugs themselves may last only a few seconds, but the atmosphere of magic will remain in the air for a long time. There is no better way to express your love - hugs will do it all for you. Even if you hold back your feelings, your hugs will still give you away. This language is familiar to everyone. That's why hugging is so important. After all, this is an incredible way to become one with another person, win any battle and help cope with any problem, overcome any obstacles. When hugs are sincere, they heal, melt the strongest ice and light a fire in the hearts. They are Love itself. How often do you hug your loved ones?