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Identifying an abuser in virtual communication can be difficult due to the lack of non-verbal cues and other physical indicators that are usually used to identify similar behavioral patterns in reality. However, there are several signs that can help identify abusive behavior online: Excessive controlling behavior: An abusive person may try to control your online behavior and activities, such as demanding access to your password or asking for reports on your activity. This is perhaps one of the brightest “red flags” that should alert you in the first place when communicating with a person. Be careful! Threats and blackmail: An abuser may threaten or blackmail you to get what he wants. For example, he may threaten to reveal your personal information or do something unpleasant if you don't comply with his demands. For example, a person may threaten to leak your correspondence or intimate photos that you sent to the public. Intrusiveness: an abusive person may force his attention on you, send you many messages or call you, even if you do not show interest in him or ask him to stop. Such behavior should also be cause for concern. Confidently let the person know that he is violating your personal boundaries. Criticism and humiliation: An abuser may also constantly criticize, humiliate or insult you in online communication, causing you to feel unpleasant or even afraid. Always remember that at any time you can cut off this connection and block the abuser on all social networks. Isolation: In addition, the abuser may try to isolate you from other people or social groups online by limiting your communication with other people or threatening you , if you are trying to maintain contact with someone else. Such a person can constantly monitor general chats, groups, track comments and write to your friends in the friend feed. Actually, this behavior is not much different from the behavior of an abuser offline, when he isolates his victim physically (forbidding him to leave the house, meet friends, etc.) Inconsistency and lies: abusive behavior can manifest itself in inconsistent or false statements, changing one’s promises, which can leave you feeling distrustful and disoriented. If you notice these signs, do not rush to become virtualized and get closer to such a person. If you notice these signs in your online interactions with someone, remember that no one should tolerate abusive behavior, and it is important to take steps to protect your safety and well-being! If you liked the article, please like and comment! Sign up for my consultation: 8 967 650 70 60 Link to my Telegram channel: https://t.me/ushakovapsy