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“It’s not clear what I should do?”, “I don’t know what to do?”, “How to cope?”, “How to help myself?” Each of us, I think, has asked ourselves, at least once, a similar question in situations of uncertainty. And I found resolution options. But in a situation of stress, conflict, anxiety, it can be difficult to find a solution if the volume of problems exceeds one’s own capabilities. Then we are thrown into painful situations where we were powerless. Due to the fact that we cannot rely on ourselves and cope with the situation on our own, we become dependent on our condition. The tension is rising. And you can be stuck in this state for a long time. How to support yourself? It is important to see that in a situation of anxiety, it is not you who is afraid, but the little girl/boy inside you. A child seeking safety and protection. It is he who goes through the options, unable to choose the right one. What to do? Run or hide. How? Where? What will happen? Where can I find the answer? How to proceed? And she (he) is very scared. And right now it is important to take care of him. Find out about his needs, let him speak out, be heard.1. Find contact with your childish part. Imagine your little self. What you look like, what you’re wearing. What are you doing. Where are you. And ask: What are you feeling now? What do you want? It is now that the state of abandonment and lack of support can be most acutely experienced. Insecurity and instability. This may be a desire to hide in a corner, hide, or run away. Or get angry, angry, scream, cry. At such moments, the child has a need for a warm adult figure who will protect, take care, and comfort. Will find a solution. And it is inside you too.2. Find contact with her. See yourself in a situation where you coped. Everything worked out for you. You knew what to do. We felt safe and supported. You had enough resources.What do you look like?What are you wearing?Feel your strength and confidence.3. And from this state, give the child support. Maybe it will be a healing hug, a word, a smile or something else. Give him/her a valuable message. For example: I am with you. I can protect you. You are safe with me. You don’t have to do or decide anything. I'm an adult and I can handle it on my own. You can trust me. I'll take care of you. 4. Notice the feedback. What is happening to you as a little child? How does the child look now? How does he/she feel? If he (she) feels better, then thank yourself for your attentiveness and sensitivity.5. Ask yourself: what symbolic simple actions will help you maintain this state now. What will maintain calm. Return to this contact when necessary. If you liked the technique, I will be glad to receive feedback. If you feel a response, resonance, come for a consultation, I will be happy to help.