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Many of us face difficult stages in life, when all our achievements cease to please us and we want to give up everything, change everything. This can lead to serious and irreversible consequences in life. Therefore, I invite you to learn more about the midlife crisis, what it is, what its signs are and how to survive it, maintaining relationships and everything valuable in your life. Many of my clients come with complaints of apathy, devastation and a feeling of bitterness that so many opportunities have been missed , and time cannot be returned. I’m tired of a stable job, my marriage or relationship with my partner is no longer happy, it seems that I’ve connected my life with absolutely the wrong person. Life is perceived as a routine, you want to give up everything and start over. Some have lived their entire lives caring for children and loved ones. And someone strived forward, reached new heights, built a career, but there was still no happiness. Then prolonged depression, tranquilizers, neurosis clinics. Perhaps you have met such people, or know what it is like from your own experience. These are all signs of a midlife crisis, which occurs in the middle of life, around the age of 30-40 and can last from several months to a year, and in some cases up to several years. Everything is purely individual, depending on past experience and how the person went through the teenage crisis. Women, generally, reach the crisis at the age of 30-35, men at the age of 40. As we know from the saying: “Grey hair in the head, devil in the rib.” Seemingly successful and accomplished people, seemingly for no reason, completely change their existing lifestyle, change profession, city, country, get divorced or have an affair on the side in order to somehow prolong the feeling of youth. The famous artist Gauguin was originally a successful stockbroker, happy husband and father of five children. At the age of 36, he left his family, went to Paris to paint and eventually become one of the greatest artists of his time. This is what an absolute crisis looks like, but in a less acute form, a person can begin to get involved in extreme sports, become depressed, blame everyone around him, but not see changes in himself. If you want to ruin your life and get stuck in a crisis for many years, then you need to: - fall into depression and engage in self-flagellation: “life is terrible and unfair”, “I never became great and famous” or “I have already achieved everything, then life is meaningless”; - live in illusions and not notice the changes taking place in to oneself, in appearance: “I’m fine, I’m the same as before”; - devalue your life and give up everything, work, family, have a lover; - conflict and blame others that they have changed and treated badly they relate to you; - withdraw into yourself and move away from people, preferably for a long time; - stop taking care of yourself, start abusing alcohol and junk food. I can confidently say that any crisis is a path to development if the right conclusions are drawn. The very first step is to recognize the very fact that you are in this notorious crisis. You don’t have to radically change everything in your life; you can remember what you wanted to do before, go somewhere, but never did. If possible, change your environment, try for a while to live the way you once wanted. Try to adequately evaluate yourself, accept your strengths and weaknesses, accept your mistakes and how you lived this part of your life, determine the area for development. Honestly admit to yourself what is happening in your life now, who you are, what you need, and what you should give up. Of course, as you yourself know, lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports, treat yourself to pleasant wellness treatments. Well, if you can’t cope on your own, don’t hesitate, turn to specialists. A midlife crisis is a period of meeting your real self, understanding the point at which you are. And only honesty with yourself will help you overcome it with minimal losses. Any crisis is important and useful to us if!