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Internet addiction - part 2 All of the above can also be applied to adults. For many of them, the basis of Internet addiction is loneliness, the lack of other options for spending time. Adults who have not learned to realize themselves and satisfy their needs in real life - these are often vulnerable, suffering from self-doubt, looking for safe communication - people who are attracted by the anonymity of the Internet, with the help of a nickname - a nickname, you can throw off your social mask and remain naked, with your phobias, complexes, secret desires, and on the other hand, you can put on such a mask. The Internet is also attractive because you can get away, escape from real problems, from emotional problems, from everyday difficulties. Sometimes people who cannot communicate as they would like. in reality, they do not know how to present themselves explicitly, they cannot demonstrate themselves openly, but they secretly desire this, they become lovers of diaries. Such people can safely communicate in chats and forums, inventing different ways and skills for themselves. When a person considers himself not interesting and not worthy of attention, then virtual communication replaces real one. We want to be understood and loved, we strive to go where we are known and they are interested in us, we want to satisfy our need for respect, we want to be emotionally protected and feel the need for safety - and if the virtual world is the only place where a person is listened to, accepted and respected, then dependence is inevitable. For many people, reality is filled with internal anxiety , stress, conflicts at work in the family, the impossibility of realizing in the form in which you want, the level of anxiety is growing and has a depressive overtones. The Internet is an emotional virtual life, a feeling of looseness, the disappearance of the sense of time, intimacy in communication with correspondents. Where is the line between good and bad? For some, it is an Internet drug, and for others, it is an escape from the sad reality to which fate has doomed them. According to researchers, 91% of Internet addicts surf the Internet for the sake of communication. Such people go to the virtual world for emotions. But why is it more important for them to write ))) or send an emoticon with a kiss. than to get a lively smile or give a compliment. I think that we are in pursuit of ideals, after a stereotypical functional set - plastic windows, a car, a summer house, a garage and something else that everyone has, but I don’t, we become limited, We need something all the time, we feel disadvantaged because others have what we don’t have. During socialism, in the main strata of the population everything seemed to be equal, the same uniforms at school, the same suits and crimple dresses at work, all as one and people could stand out, realizing their inner qualities, people communicated more, needed more support other, there were no loans and you need to be able to borrow money from your neighbor, which means you need to build good relations with him, accept some of his differences, come to terms with him and there was no such envy, and there was no such independence. Everyone knew that if you behave well, like a cog in a well-coordinated mechanism, then over time you will have that set of material wealth that corresponds to your age and status, everything was distributed and known in advance. But now the world has become unknown, it has changed dramatically values. Frightening uncertainty emerged. Envy and competition have intensified. My neighbor has a car, but I don’t, why am I worse? and the race for things began to intensify, and we stopped communicating, stopped empathizing with each other, stopped building relationships with each other in the pursuit of independence.. We became uninterested in our neighbors. We don’t need other people’s problems, we have forgotten how to communicate, but our needs haven’t gone anywhere, we just drove them inside, and then the Internet appeared - a godsend for addicted people. You can use it as I want, receive information without giving anything in return, and you can do it without any effort,attract attention. Oh, how good I am, look where I went, look what I have. So what is Internet addiction? It is a painful addiction to participating in online processes. What are its symptoms? Excessive time spent on the Internet. Constantly waiting to go online. Inability and active unwillingness to function in the real world. Annoyance and irritation due to forced distractions. Tendency to forget about work and loved ones. Willingness to put up with destruction in the family, loss of friends, social circle. Lying to loved ones for any reason. Regular increase in stay time. Decreased sexual desire. The desire to eat, drink, and rest disappears, since a lot of serotonin is produced when being online, a person feels euphoria. After leaving the Internet, anxiety, depression, and behavioral disorders begin. If there is no access to the Internet, boredom, melancholy, hopelessness, and the level of aggression increase. Internet addiction is an obsessive desire to access the Internet and a reluctance to leave it. Internet addiction - this is a new type of addiction generated by means of interpersonal communication, such people are called onlineholics, wives whose husbands disappear on the Internet are called computer widows. Why does the number of Internet addicts increase every year? Because the Internet is not only a means of communication and information, but also accessible and cheap entertainment, you don’t need to go anywhere, make an effort to interact, there are no restrictions, you can communicate as much as you want. Nowadays, when we are so tired in pursuit behind the stereotype of well-being imposed on us, there are no feelings left for anyone else, and then a soulless machine becomes a friend, but from such contact, communication skills in life are lost, we stop inventing entertainment for ourselves in reality, we don’t have hobbies, we don’t unite by interests, we don’t we need people, we are increasingly alienated and withdrawn into ourselves and fenced off from the living world with a virtual one. The Internet is always based on loneliness, the lack of other options for spending time. And yet, why do some people use the Internet for its intended purpose, while others do not? Pathological addiction to the Internet , as a rule, is rooted in psychological problems. Going virtual can be an attempt to cope with depression or anxiety, an attempt to fill the inner emptiness and feel safe. Internet addiction is an opportunity to get a quick response, emotions, without any costs or investments. This addiction, unlike alcohol and drugs, allows you to maintain physical health, but it takes deeper roots and changes your personality more powerfully. Going online to cope with a bad mood, keeping such a hobby secret from loved ones, the inability to live without the virtual world for several days - this model of behavior is typical for alcoholics, but if there is destruction on the physical level, then here there is a stronger impact on the psyche, a person finds himself in isolation, in an imaginary world of illusions. This virtual drug is not harmless. Apparently mentally normal people seem to have the experience, strength and energy to live and work, love, but for society, they become useless, they disappear online for hours, days, wake up for work, suffer from insomnia, have difficulties in the family and at work, Any excess disrupts the psyche. Psychologists and medical workers suggest including in the category diseases of addiction, along with smoking, overeating, drugs, alcoholism and Internet addiction. Doctors are looking for an opportunity to reduce the painful need for the Internet with the help of antidepressants, to preserve the mental health of millions of people. There is another way, not to keep people from the Internet, but to teach them correctly use the network as needed and then it will not threaten your health. A passion for the Internet, life in virtual time, without friends and live communication, impoverishes the individual both intellectually and061