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Based on materials from the free encyclopedia Wikipedia, coaching (eng. coaching - training, training) is a method of consulting and training; It differs from classic consulting and training in that the coach does not give advice and strict recommendations, but looks for solutions together with the client. Coaching differs from psychological counseling in its focus on motivation. Working with a coach involves achieving a certain goal, new, positively formulated results in life and work. If we approach this issue metaphorically, then, let’s say, you have point “A”, where you are now, and you want to get to point “ B" (your goal, desire, dream). From point “A” to point “B” you can go along different paths, roads, as well as in different ways and methods: you can crawl, you can walk, you can drive, ultimately lie down in the direction of the goal, etc. So coaching (usually carried out through a specially trained professional - coach) is carried out so that you can buy a plane ticket on the course point “A” - point “B”, i.e. so that you can achieve your goal as quickly and efficiently as possible. This is the whole essence of coaching – the most effective movement towards the goal and its maximum achievement. With the professional support of a coach, the customer independently formulates his goals, develops strategies and implements the most successful of them. Moreover, he will use these effective strategies in achieving his other goals. Currently, there are different types of coaching. For example, according to the area of ​​application, professional (or career) coaching, business coaching, and life coaching are distinguished. That is, issues of professional growth, business development and self-improvement in all areas of personal growth are respectively addressed there. In this article we will touch on the latter area of ​​coaching. Life coaching consists of individually working with a person in all areas of his life: health, relationships with family and friends, self-esteem, etc. Who needs personal growth coaching? I think coaching is useful for any person who has a specific goal. Of course, without a specific goal, it is impossible to create a reward or feedback system. Robert Dilts, in his book “Coaching with NLP,” wrote that one of the most important aspects of coaching is helping people identify and clarify their goals, because coaching methods are solution- and result-oriented, not problem-oriented. Why is personality coaching needed? growth? First of all, life coaching provides the following: - a deeper understanding of yourself as a person: the motives of your behavior, awareness of your desires and needs; - a clearer understanding of the events, processes, results occurring in your life; - self-confidence, your strengths and abilities; - acceptance of oneself from all sides: one’s positive and negative qualities; - effectiveness in developing and setting goals; - acquisition of successful action strategies; - personal strength to move forward towards the intended goal (or goals); - psychological peace of mind in the future, a sense of certainty and security your spiritual development; - in accordance with all of the above: psychological and physical health and peace of mind in family life. One of the strengths of life coaching is that the coach is not your personal mentor or adviser, such as our parents or friends, under the persuasion of which we can often come across. The coach also does not “put people on”, as unqualified psychologists and psychotherapists can do, who help a person eliminate the problem, but do not teach independent life coping strategies. The coach's task is to ensure that what you do is personal, i.e. what is right and natural for you. If we turn to the metaphor again, then a coach: - is a guide who helps you navigate an unfamiliar area of ​​\u200b\u200blife and knowledge; - is a guide with a map that helps you.