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From the author: published on the website Illness always unsettles you greatly: you lie weak and disheveled in bed, and even going to the kitchen becomes a real challenge. However, the negative effects of bodily ailments are not limited to poor health. If you work, then an obligatory companion to illness is the so-called “sick leave” (only freelance artists and the unemployed are not burdened with this experience). For some, it becomes an unplanned vacation, while others howl with boredom and miss the office. But both may be interested in means that help to get ready for work after illness.[/url]The influence of illness on the human psyche No one will argue with the fact that physical illness affects the human psyche. But probably few have heard that this influence can be both negative and positive. Some types of illnesses can improve mood, increase performance, and cause acute bouts of optimism - all this is associated with the release of special chemicals. There are diseases that interfere with the functioning of the cerebral cortex, and this can also cause positive changes in a person’s mood and character. However, this is more of a fun fact than a phenomenon that often occurs in reality. Agree, we rarely get sick in such a way that our well-being improves and our heads become clearer - more often it happens the other way around. The accompaniments of almost any disease are apathy, weakness, deterioration of thinking, decreased concentration, and bad mood. They are the ones who explain why your boss doesn’t want to see you at work during this period (although there is a class of managers who are not very intelligent and who do not give their subordinates sick leave). But it is not only physical illness that knocks us out of our usual working rut. Taking sick leave, staying at home, and the illness itself cause a number of changes in lifestyle, which is why we wonder how to get ready for work. Such changes include: Change in the rhythm of life Being a healthy person, you get used to the fact that you have to come to the office at nine, and leave from there at six. This happens over five days, followed by two days off - this is your usual rhythm. But with the onset of illness, everything changes, and your life turns into one continuous weekend. And since a person is a creature living within the framework of biorhythms, for him any change in them is stress from which he must recover. Separation from the work environment There is a list of professions in which any break is fraught with separation from the professional context. You've only been away from work for a week, but during that time so many important things have happened that you already feel like a newbie at the job you've been doing for the last few years. This is especially true for managerial positions and dynamically developing areas such as the Internet, telecommunications, advertising, etc. Switching off from business communication Working five days a week, you get used to a special style of communication: quickly grasp information, try to say only the most important, build correctly your speech, use special working terms. But if you sit at home for a week, then you may well lose the habit of this style of communication, and you will need additional time to return to it again. Excessive relaxation Due to lack of energy during illness, you get used to doing nothing: watching TV becomes your usual activity and draining an endless number of mugs of tea. Yes, it can be very pleasant, but when it comes time to return to work, you may experience some difficulties in getting yourself together and joining the “office race”. Habit of not taking care of yourself How do you look when you are sick? Disheveled hair, a red sniffling nose, wrinkled home clothes - this does not resemble the appearance of an attractive woman who takes care of herself. But at work you are exactly like that! After an illness, you lose the habit of the daily ritual of making a marathon,and the need to apply makeup, style your hair and choose clothes can become additional stress when going to work. This is not a complete list of what, in addition to illness, can ruin your life. As you may have noticed, most of these inconveniences are associated with a change in the rhythm of life, which is stressful for most people (except, perhaps, those who love change and make it a way of life, but such people rarely worry about how to adjust to work - they, as a rule, do not go to the office). But what to do about it?[/url]How to get ready for work after a forced vacation The unpleasant aspects of the disease are clear to everyone and have long been known. But how can you make sure that they poison the life of a modern woman building a career to a minimum - that is, you? What can you do to ensure that going back to work after illness does not put additional stress on your body? Psychologists and psychophysiologists answer these and other questions.1 Give yourself a rest. The stupidest thing you can do is continue to work while you are sick. The option is understandable when the boss does not welcome sick leave (although in this case you should probably think about changing jobs), but it also happens that the woman herself, due to various fears and prejudices, continues to perform her professional duties with a temperature in the low forties. No need! Your body is already exhausted - it didn’t have enough additional load! In any case, during the acute phase of the disease it is better to rest at home: you will not infect your colleagues and will quickly regain your strength in order to rush to chart a career path. During this time, ask your colleagues not to disturb you and do not call the office yourself.2 If possible, try not to change the rhythm of your life. Of course, if you have a high fever and want to sleep twenty hours a day, there is no need to fight it. But if you don’t have such a need, try to go to bed and get up at the usual time for the work week - this will save you energy on adjusting your biorhythms.3 Gradually get back into work as you recover. Psychologists say that the greatest stress is a sharp immersion in the circle of one’s responsibilities. But you can prevent this by gradually increasing your workload as you recover. For example, if you have rested during the day and feel strong, you can try to clear out your work email and answer some of the most urgent letters. Or you can call your colleagues and take on the solution to a number of problems, which can be done remotely. In our age of high technology, there are many ways to keep your finger on the pulse while lying at home in a warm and cozy bed.4 Return to the working language. Warn your husband and household members that you will talk to them in an official business manner for an hour or two a day. Explain to them why you need it. You can also take on telephone conversations with several large clients - this will help you stay in the habit of business communication.5 Move away from complete relaxation. As you know, doing nothing and laziness drags on, so as soon as you rest and feel strong, start increasing the load, because someone needs to cook food and clean the apartment. So start doing your household chores little by little, but just enough so as not to get tired. Then switching to a work schedule will not be an excessive burden for you.6Get yourself in order. Of course, with a fever and complete weakness, you can’t really take care of yourself. But the last two or three days of illness are usually not characterized by the severity of symptoms, so you can pay attention to yourself during these days. Lie in a warm bath, wax, brush your teeth, wash your hair and comb your hair - these simple manipulations will help you feel like a woman again. It’s not at all necessary to put on combat makeup and do your hair “for going out” (although it’s not prohibited), but you simply must put yourself in order, and this is what will help you get back into shape faster after an illness.7 Gain strength. Will be useful.