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Do you remember how you felt when you were on your first day on vacation, on the shore of a warm sea? When time stood still. All the bustle of the last pre-vacation days is left behind. And there is only this moment - now. And the tenderness of the warm sea air is very keenly felt. The rhythmic sound of rolling waves seems like enchanting music. And he squints with pleasure under the southern sun. A-A-A.... This is happiness!!! And these sensations are especially vivid on the very first day. And the magical time of slow life begins. When you enjoy looking at passers-by, flying birds, and blooming flowers. And you rejoice at everything and everyone. With emotion you sort through the trinkets on the trays of local artisans. You savor bites of unusual food in a coastal restaurant. And you think - well, why not always live like this - simply, without any special frills, but slowly, with pleasure. By the way, in Europe, and in Russia too, such a movement as “slowlife” (from the English words “slow”) is slowly gaining momentum - slow and “life” - life) or life without haste. This movement calls for finding a middle ground between business and necessary and natural pleasures, such as a leisurely walk around the city, a long watch of sparrows playing on a nearby tree, sorting through old photographs in a parent’s album or leisurely conversations in a pleasant company. Maybe you have noticed that Has the rhythm of life accelerated greatly over the past 20-30 years? According to some data, time actually “collapsed” by about 25% during this period. If you are too young for such a comparison, compare the dynamics of action in modern and old films, both ours and foreign ones. Clips have become fashionable. Hence the “clip consciousness”. We began to think in fragments, scraps of thoughts. A certain integrity of consciousness has been lost, which could accommodate everything, all spheres of our life. It is difficult for a modern person to get rid of not only external, but also internal vanity - scraps of thoughts, emotions, impressions, unspoken dialogues - everything revolves inside. And outside we can barely withstand the stress of the information collapse. If you live in a city and commute to work every day, you are already subjected to a monstrous bombardment of information - music inside a car or bus, billboards, conversations of fellow travelers, etc. So, what do we have? A modern person living his life in bustle and haste. Time has accelerated its pace... A person experiencing constant information overload. A person whose consciousness is “clogged” with various pieces of thoughts of his own and others, impressions, emotions that do not fit into a complete puzzle. And here you are - a dissatisfied person, for whom it is even difficult to say why... Now I don’t even consider situations where a person lives against the backdrop of some kind of prolonged acute stress or severe mental trauma... When I work with my clients, the first task that we We decide together - this is freeing ourselves from the “mental mixer” in our heads. Sometimes it is also called “white noise”. Naturally this requires some effort. But, as a rule, after a week clients begin to be amazed with delight - is it really that simple? And is it now possible to live without this constant pressure from within? Yes, my dears, it is quite possible! Why am I writing all this? Probably, in order to encourage you to wake up, wake up and decide for yourself - am I living my life or is life living me? What is personally important and valuable to me in this life? What's stopping me from enjoying my life to the fullest? What is it time to get rid of? And what is it high time to enjoy to the fullest? You will find more detailed information here: http://www.life-krizis.ru/book/