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"Yes, a person is mortal, but that would not be so bad. The bad thing is that sometimes he is suddenly mortal..." Mikhail Bulgakov When suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, the news of an incurable illness of a loved one, the life of him and his family is divided into “before” and “after”. And in this new reality, the patient himself is in a state of shock, who now needs to live with this terrible realization - to look his death in the face, come to terms with it, accept it and, if possible, meet it with dignity - and his close people. The condition of a hopeless patient is further complicated by , in what condition his loved ones and family are, so it is important for them to be able to cope with their emotions and provide support to their loved one. I will offer you my vision of how to cope with a situation of this kind, and I will be grateful to you for your additions. It is important to understand that all emotions and states associated with the experience of the upcoming loss will come to both the patient himself and his loved ones - and this is natural, we are all living people and this is the most difficult test for everyone. But, having coped with the first shock, denial, anger, bargaining , we must try to understand and accept such simple and at the same time extremely complex and painful realizations. If a person receives unexpected news about his imminent death, then for him this is a time of many reflections, an opportunity to finish something, complete, communicate and say goodbye to your loved ones, thank them, ask for forgiveness if necessary, give parting words to children and grandchildren. For believers (and someone said that in such situations there are no non-believers) - this is an opportunity to think about the soul, pray, gather unction, take communion and prepare to a meeting with the Lord God. This is an opportunity to put your property affairs in order, write a will, if there was none, give orders for your funeral. Many people feel awkward, do not know how to behave with a dying person, what words to say to him, and it happens , they simply avoid communication. And their loved one begins to feel unnecessary, superfluous, even an outcast. It is important to prevent this. Of course, it is necessary to communicate with a hopelessly ill person simply as a person, talk to him about what is important to him, with an honest understanding of the situation, without words: “Everything will be fine and you will definitely get better” and other such things that are familiar to us templates Many dying people admitted to their loved ones that such words openly angered them and seemed to devalue their suffering, fear of the inevitable. It is worth telling him about your love, how grateful you are to him and for what exactly, that you are shocked by In this situation, you can ask for forgiveness, you can admit that you are lost and don’t know how to behave, but you really want to be there, support and let him correct you if you are doing something wrong.. Probably you can say: “ What if a miracle happens and you get better? I will pray for it.” In general, understanding the seriousness of the situation and sincerity and naturalness will help us. Relatives of a patient with an incurable diagnosis are ordinary people and have the right to all their emotions - this will include anger. , and fear, and a feeling of guilt that they did not save, did not provide for, and despair. But, if those who find themselves in such situations are able to let go of their personal fears and look into their hearts, then they will be able to find a resource in their love and acceptance. You can, for example, say the following words to yourself: I let go of my thoughts and begin to hear my heart. I breathe deeply and let God into my heart. I learn to accept support from other people. I learn to hear my soul. What does my soul tell me? After all, she is wise and she knows everything. Our soul knows everything, and it is important to be able to accept what we cannot change. I love a person and accept his actions, his choices and decisions. Everything he did or didn’t do was his choice, and I’m ready to simply support him without criticism or moralizing: “I’m with you. You’re not alone. I’m scared too, but we’re together.” (Posted by Alina Igorevna) In such a difficult situation, it is important to support not only the one who is sick, but also loved ones to support each other, and.