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Question: Ivan, what can you say about the effect of drugs on a person? Answer: from personal experience, I have compiled a list of the TOP 6 main points of the influence of drugs on a person. And I will be happy to share this information with you. Point number one - at first the drug, of course, has a positive effect. That is, imagine: a person is in some kind of psychologically or physically uncomfortable state and at the same time finds himself in the company of people. Circumstances aren't really that important. It is important that against the background of some discomfort a person takes a drug, and at that moment an unrealistic production of various happiness hormones occurs and the person feels good. He begins to think that with the help of substances he can improve his condition and his problems will go away for a while. Therefore, the first effect is exclusively positive. The second point is when a person first feels a positive effect in contrast to some kind of pain, then naturally the so-called adhesion occurs. And after this, the frequency of administration and the amount of substance taken begins to increase. That is, a person begins to gradually become involved in order to be in that “pleasant” state as often as possible. And at this stage, too, nothing seems to portend trouble, but in fact, it is here that the first consequences of use begin to appear. That is, after a certain period of time, a third factor appears - this is physical dependence on the use of the substance. A person begins to feel that without using this substance, he feels much more uncomfortable than before the very first use. Moreover, on a physical level, the drug literally begins to kill a person. For example, drugs affect calcium metabolism in the body. And calcium is the main substance that is an important part of bone tissue. Accordingly, due to use, bones and teeth suffer, become softer, are easily destroyed and the body very quickly becomes unusable. If we talk about growth hormone, the level of testosterone production, then drugs affect the normal production of hormones in the body. Therefore, the muscles do not develop as they should, they begin to atrophy, and the person becomes dystrophic. This happens because the muscles do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. When consumed under the influence of a number of substances, a person’s natural environment in the body is disrupted. For example, the same feces are retained in the body, digestion is disrupted - food is not absorbed. Or a person completely stops eating and does not supply the body with useful substances, but only introduces poison into it. But even if a person eats food, the functioning of the digestive system is disrupted, the food is not digested, and the digestion function stops working. A person may not go to the toilet for 3-10 days. All this releases toxins, harmful substances that negatively affect the body. That is, underdigested food simply rots in the human body. After a certain period of time, psychological dependence arises - this is the fourth factor. It manifests itself something like this: when a person goes to bed, wakes up, works, he does everything with thoughts about drugs, where to get them and how to use them. The fifth point is a shift in the value chain. That is, all the priorities that were previously the focus of a person’s attention begin to lose meaning: family, work, development, sports, finances. Everything begins to collapse because priorities and values ​​change completely. The main focus in a person’s life shifts to drugs. After a while, the sixth moment appears - this is the destruction of the entire social sphere of a person’s life. That is, all connections, family, reputation, business - all this falls apart. This is also the influence of drugs - who needs a drug addict and where? No one will want to waste their time, money and effort on it. Most people at the sixth stage give up on a person. In the finale, the addict is lonely, with a mountain of damage - physical, psychological, spiritual and social