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And what if, for some reason, you once forbade yourself to dream? And it doesn’t matter whether it was your decision or as a result of the influence of another person. The important thing is that we all dreamed as children. A child does not have goals, like a conscious adult. There are dreams and no doubts. Because they believed in a miracle...And, I’m sure, among us there are those who have had their deepest desires come true. For example, this is how I flew over the Nazco plateau and climbed Machu Picchu. And I also ended up in Altai, albeit 5 years late - I had a long-standing dream of visiting there at 30. What if I told you how this miracle works? A dream is essentially a goal for the unconscious. The unconscious guides us and suggests the right steps. As children, we hear ourselves perfectly and respond to the proposals of the Universe. We literally, with a sixth sense, choose the direction that leads us straight to our dream. And along the way we gain invaluable experience. Woven from many trials and errors. This is how self-confidence is born. But if we resist our inner call, betray our dreams, this is immediately reflected in the body. Restrictions and prohibitions form blocks and clamps in the chest area. It feels like compression, tension, pain in the heart or under the left shoulder blade. Apathy, loss of energy, indifference, boredom, anxiety, depression, PA - all these are symptoms, i.e. your body signals! The physical world, manifested in your body, reacts to mental limitations. The unconscious is so cool that, not finding a response in your head, it tries to reach you through another dimension! Yes! Your body is a different dimension for your psyche! Imagine how cool he is? How do we propose to solve this issue? Of course, with medication. The unconscious asks through the body: “There is a problem here, you yourself created it in your head, don’t you want to figure it out?” No! - you answer and hang up, eating a psycholeptic pill. I agree that when the situation has completely gotten out of control, which only a qualified psychiatrist can accurately determine, in my opinion, it is impossible to do without intervention. Because it is important to stabilize the condition, otherwise intellectual functionality is impaired. There are also real head injuries, developmental disorders, congenital disorders of brain activity. But when there is no such situation. Either this decision is infantile - pharmacological intervention as an escape from the very solution to the situation. Or an adult decision - a consultation with a psychologist as the ability to respond to a challenge. This is what distinguishes a mature (adult) personality from an infantile (childish) one - responsibility. Responsibility in the child's perception is reward-punishment. Responsibility in the perception of an adult is the ability to isolate mistakes and benefits from the result of one’s activities. A child learns about the world through the objects around him. Young - through a significant figure (parents, educators, grandmothers). Teenager - through the environment (peers, friends, lovers). And only an adult learns the world through self-knowledge. And I'm not talking about age according to your passport. Viktor Frankl wrote: “The length of life does not affect its meaningfulness. Just as the quality of a biography does not depend on the number of pages in it.” Take the best of your childhood into your adult life. Dream, listen to your heart, trust yourself and the Universe! And the miracle will not keep you waiting long. My channel: https://t.me/soulful_psychologistMy INS: INSTGR_LINK*Banned in the Russian Federation