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And again a little about body-oriented insight therapy. When does Body Insight not work? When a person is firmly convinced that his trauma is valuable and objective. What does it mean? A person knows exactly what happened in a situation, who is evil and who is good. Who should be punished and who should be given compensation? In this case, it is probably useless to go to any other therapy that works with injuries. Trauma is too valuable in this person’s world. Only the trauma is inside. In consciousness, in thoughts, in body. That bear that attacked me as a child may have died long ago. But every time the inner bear wakes up and begins to tear at the victim as in childhood. In Insight, we review the situation not from the perspective of what happened, but from the perspective of memories, internal images and trends. A person’s relationship to the situation, and not to the objective reality of how everything happened there. To be honest, we are not trying to establish how it really was there. We are not an investigative committee or historians. And human memory is very fragile. We start from memory. That’s why we work only with a person and his images and experiences. Yes, we reconstruct the situation based on fragmentary associations, bodily responses, individual images. We can even pull out a situation that never happened. Like the picture with the bear. Yes, a bear attacked a man. He picked it up, bit it and threw it away. And no one helped. And how does he feel about this, what does he feel, how does he see? We don't find out if bears lived in that area during his childhood. We work with the picture that is in our head. Bear means bear. Whether it was a plush one that just fell on a three-year-old child, or a real animal, just some kind of cat, or a rooster, it doesn’t matter to us. There is a bear stuck in my head and it does not allow an adult person to realize himself somewhere. A bear is an image, a symbol, and not a real furry predator. But the body gives an objective answer, has something changed in the experiences and structure of the trauma? Have we pulled out a real adaptive person in this situation, or is he still that traumatized little boy or girl that he carried out of a dangerous situation. And no. After Insight, you will not become a blissful cherub, accepting everything and everyone, singing tantras and mantras and bringing light and joy to people. But your inner bear will stop tearing at you every time his bed is disturbed. Thank you. Ask questions, comment, contact. =)