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As children grow older, parents are faced with new problems. Only yesterday he was just a baby, and today he is already declaring his opinion and the right to live as he considers right, refusing to listen to his parents’ advice. As a result, the family is lost and does not know how to behave and what to do. I have long thought about how I can help my clients in these situations. When thinking about it, I always came to the conclusion how great it would be to create a group for teenagers. And my dream came true. The universe heard me. The International School of Psychoanalysis approved the idea of ​​creating an experimental project: “Group psychotherapy for minors.” Group meetings are held online. First, I interview each prospective minor participant individually. This also happens on the Internet. We identify the problem (request), find out what we should work with in therapy. Based on the results of the interview, the teenager is placed in a group with similar difficulties. Group meetings are held once a week on Thursdays on the Internet. Teen participants come from all over the globe. The meeting lasts one and a half hours. The group meets regularly. Rendezvous continues for a long time. Despite the fact that the audiences are held online, the number of participants is limited. There can be a maximum of 15 people. If suddenly something doesn’t suit you, the teenager feels uncomfortable, there are other reasons, you can leave the group at any time. If necessary, consultations are held with parents individually. Is group therapy effective for minors? My answer is yes. In any case, there is an effect. The teenager listens to other participants and works through his own problem on an unconscious level. Here the child himself chooses what to do - speak or remain silent. No one forces him, no one forces him. Changes in puberty behavior occur very quickly. In the group, he learns to analyze the situation, learns to make balanced, informed decisions, and acquires communication skills in a new environment. In addition, the teenager realizes his merits, gains self-respect, self-confidence and his own strengths, gets rid of the feeling of inferiority, from various fears that interfere with life, his attitude towards school or university changes, he stops feeling uncomfortable there, and most importantly, he begins to understands parents, gains the ability to empathize, becomes more friendly and open, begins to adjust his emotions and behavior. If you would like to get into this group, then you have such a wonderful opportunity. You can make a preliminary application on the website. https://ekaterinalarionova.com/gruppovaya-terapiya-dlya-podrostkov/ Meetings are held online. The meeting platform is Zoom. I will be happy to welcome you and your children. I am sure that together we will succeed. Subscribe to my VKontakte community and receive a bonus: the meditative practice “Shamatha”. Calm your mind and find inner peace! https://vk.com/app5898182_-224026628#u=1791044&s=2609310