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1. What questions should I go to a psychologist or psychotherapist with? You don’t know how to communicate with your teenage child, husband (wife), he doesn’t hear you! He doesn’t understand anything or understands everything topsy-turvy! You feel like a mechanism has been wound up for certain actions. Work at work, homework, caring for the family... where are you real, alive, bright, spontaneous? And this is the first step... if you have already missed it, did not understand these signals, that it’s time to change something, the second phase begins: some events happen, after which - that’s it! This can't go on any longer! This could be some unthinkable from your point of view actions of your family members, it could be a chain of failures, illnesses, injuries - physical or mental, etc... etc... this reality tells you: your views on life and on It's time to reconsider yourself! Bring them into agreement with the real state of affairs! It's time to see, realize and change! This is the phase in which you have already suffered damage that could have been avoided if you had realized, let go, changed something at the previous stage. The universe itself corrects you, only it is better to notice these signals in time... 2. The goal of therapy The goal of therapy is self-awareness. Understand yourself. Consciousness is such a thing, it stubbornly builds its castles in the air, and does not want to see this unpleasant base reality. And then it enters into a conflicting relationship with the body and soul (subconscious), and now a problem has appeared... The main goal of the therapist is not to alleviate suffering, but to improve the client’s relationship with reality! He (the therapist), of course, can sympathize with you, wipe away your tears, support you morally, yes... but your friends, relatives, colleagues can also do this... and that’s not why they go to a therapist. 3. Results of psychotherapyThe questions asked by the psychotherapist help the client understand his condition and move him towards solving his problem. The problem is never solved in the plane in which the client sees it. If he came to a psychotherapist, then it’s time to expand his picture of the world! And everything turns out to be different from what he saw before... Often the client’s request concerns another person whom he would like to change (of course, for the better!) In the process of therapy, the client understands that he cannot change the other, and changes himself. It’s difficult, scary, painful, but you go through it - and relief comes... you get more confident on your feet... you feel the ground... and your strength gradually returns to you. The result of psychotherapy can be your conscious decision on one or another vital issue. This could be a change of job, place of residence, divorce, or, much less often, in vain! marriage (marriage). The result may be changed relationships with loved ones. The result of psychotherapy is you who are genuine, real, self-sufficient, authentic, self-actualizing. 4. For whom is psychological help offered? The clients of a psychotherapist or psychologist-consultant are ordinary mentally normal people. These professionals are not mental health doctors and they do not prescribe medications. The only medicine in their arsenal is the word, and this word is based on their knowledge and ability to deeply feel and perceive another person. The differences between a psychotherapist and a counseling psychologist lie in the methods they use. When the problem is deep and ingrained in the person, counseling may not be enough. The psychotherapist, through concentration on the present, art methods, and work with dreams, penetrates deeper into the client’s true “I” and supports the personality as holistic and independent.