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How to change and keep a man? Well, my dears, are you ready to deal with the question - how can I keep my beloved next to me forever? If for some reason my beloved is not there, it’s useful stock up on secret knowledge for future use. As soon as the long-awaited one appears, you are already warned and armed, and this is the key to victory. Let's talk about the basic commandments of the relationship between a man and a woman. If you are unable to build a temple of love, perhaps you will find in the article the reason for your misfortunes. So... Those who have been reading me for several days, as well as those who regularly attend my webinars, know that I love simplicity, structure, At the same time, I use in my work both the imagination and the subconscious, as well as the brain with its limitless possibilities and logic. It doesn’t matter who you are: a rationalist, irrationalist, visual, auditory, kenesthetic, dreamer, etc. In any case, there are common fundamental mechanisms of the universe. Let's get started, the secret of building harmonious and desirable relationships consists of two main steps. 1. You know yourself, accept and love. 2. You know your desires, desires, dreams and goals (now we are looking at relationships , that is, you know what kind of family you want to be part of, what image of your faithful one, who you are and much more). That's it! It's that simple! Take it and use it! So, let’s return to the topic of today’s meeting. How to change and keep a man? Are you ready to listen to the correct answers, which by the way are based not only on my personal opinion and experience, but rather, this is an excerpt from the information received from men (trainings on interpersonal relationships) , personal experience and practice? And here is the terrible and long-awaited secret: it is impossible to keep a man! By no means! More precisely, it is possible, but it has nothing to do with happiness. And we have already decided to live happily and in pleasure. Not yet, I recommend the course “How to accept yourself and live in pleasure.” Not everything is so scary and difficult in fact, every problem has a solution, it is outlined below. Have you heard this statement - no one owes anyone anything? This is a very correct statement, from There is one exception - you should always be able to take care of yourself. In this case, you will be able to take care of your children, your parents, your loved ones and people. The sooner you accept this statement, the simpler and more beautiful your life will become - both personal and social! What can you do? My dears, that’s it Just! Create an environment in which a man wants to be with you! Create an environment not only at the candy-bouquet stage, but constantly. At the same time, it is very important to enjoy it yourself. How to combine all this into a single picture of existence? And again, everything is simple. You get to know yourself, your desires, your character, you know what is acceptable to you, what is not, what makes you happy, what makes you sad, etc. If you are not satisfied with something, you want to correct yourself, or, on the contrary, allow yourself to be yourself - you do it, work on yourself. Secondly, you know the assembled image of a man who, in your opinion, is capable of giving you what you want to receive from him. At the same time, you understand and realize that you are able to give him what is important for him to receive. It's a simple exchange. You also understand that such a man already exists, and only you yourself are delaying your meeting (with your negative attitudes, your disbelief and fears - we work on this in webinars, trainings and consultations). In addition, remember: it is impossible to change a man painlessly, just like you? There is no need to change anyone, and again the phrase: “no one owes anyone anything.” It is much more effective to find those who suit you the way they are, you build harmonious relationships, communicate and develop together, you are flexible in relationships, because you have one goal - to build a family, to build harmonious relationships that suit both of you. If you look at your life, you will notice that at some stage you changed, even changed your character traits, but only when it was beneficial, useful, for your good. A man is a man, just like you, and he lives for sureAlso. Yes, we perceive, think and behave differently, but the fundamentals are the same in us. Therefore, if you want to change a man, let him know, create conditions so that these changes will be beneficial to him. Create conditions, care for him and cherish him, but do it calmly and confidently, without tyranny and demands. And purposefully, track progress and regression. Change your tactics and, in any case, enjoy life and be grateful that now the man you chose is next to you. And here’s a quick word about responsibility. Don't forget that you once chose the man yourself. This is not his problem if at the beginning you did not notice his shortcomings, and then devote all your attention only to them. This is purely your task. It’s not his fault that you placed expectations on him that he, in principle, never thought of meeting. That is, my dears, it is important to be honest with yourself in the very first stages of a relationship. Love and develop your man, but don’t demand and don’t nag! A few more important things. Don’t create an illusory picture of your future chosen one. You've probably heard about that typical image of a certain real man whom everyone is waiting for, but whom no one has seen. Sound familiar? Oooh, this is a separate topic for conversation, I won’t dwell on it now. Just be honest, don't get carried away by your dreams. Men are wonderful, there are many of them, they are around. We will talk about how to attract, attract and start another time. Here is a simple algorithm for your actions to change your current state of affairs: 1. Calmly explain to your man WHAT you like and don’t like in your relationship. At the same time, first, determine this for yourself so that your speech is accessible to a man, and not confusing and about nothing. A man loves specifics and conversations, you know, I was thinking here, I thought a lot and so on, leave it for ladies’ gatherings. 2. Provide him with information about the benefits he will receive. He will make you happier, you will be calmer and you will not nag him again. You will love and appreciate him more. That is, in any case, there should be a benefit for both, and not just your “I want it this way.”3. Based on the results of his choice, make your CHOICE - go further in life with him hand in hand or throw him to hell! Be honest and remember that there are many options, do not grasp at the last straw, it is one of the stack. If there is something that you do not accept, you have already expressed it in a tactful manner and there is no change. Do you need it? Are you ready to live like this for the rest of your life? Read this one many times. Do you remember? Great, implement it! Get to know your man and become the best woman for him! If this image does not suit you and you need to break and remake yourself, I do not recommend it, this is not your man, and any violence against yourself (any masks and roles is difficult to wear for a long time). Think about whether your life and this man are worth it, you can always meet someone with whom you will be comfortable and at ease with yourself. Remember one more thing, when you try to keep a man, when you hang on him, when you cut off his oxygen and control his mobile phone - you begin to slowly chop the branch that you have been wanting to climb on for so long! Any restriction for a man (provided that his masculinity is more developed) will cause one reaction, he will subconsciously strive to restore the distance. It is much more effective to create conditions for his freedom so that he moves closer, feeling that there is nothing threatening his freedom. Dear ladies! I encourage you to learn these simple skills that can easily turn your life and your relationships into pleasant chocolate! Attend the webinars , trainings, observe, develop, practice, but gently and with love. You must remember, people change according to their own wishes, and not just according to you._________________________________________________________________________ Subscribe to school news here. 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