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The card index is a selection of games and exercises convenient for use in children’s daily activities. I distributed this material to groups of teachers. I made cards for myself that I use during classes. No. 1 “SNOWBALL” (from 4 years old) Purpose: helps memorize the names of all participants group, introduces them to each other. The first participant (for example, to the left of the leader) says his name. The next one repeats it, then names his own. The third participant repeats two names and says his own. And so on in a circle. The exercise ends when the first participant names the entire group.--------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------No. 2 “MY NAME” (from 4-5 years old) Purpose: helps create a comfortable environment for each participant. Each the participant talks in a circle about which sound of his name he likes best (Lena, Lenochka, Alena, Elena...), and how he doesn’t like it. What he wants to be called in the group. After this exercise, you can repeat again, who will now be called in the group (Lena or Lenochka, etc.)----------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------No. 3 “WHO CALLED YOU. LEARN” (from 4 years old) Goal: development of children’s sense of each other, differentiation of auditory perception, correlation of a person and his sound image, development of empathy. Children, each in turn, stand at the end of the room and close their eyes - they lead. Two people from the group take turns calling the driver by name. The driver's task is to guess, guess who called him. If the children know each other well, then you can complicate the task by asking the children to change their voice.-------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------No. 4 “POLITE WORDS” (from 4 years old) Goal: development of respect in communication , habits of using polite words. The game is played with a ball in a circle. Children throw a ball to each other, saying polite words. Then the exercise becomes more complicated: you only need to say the words of greeting (hello, good afternoon, hello), gratitude (thank you, thank you, please), apology.--------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------No. 5 “GLUE RAIN” (from 4 years old) Goal: developing a sense of team, relieving emotional and physical stress, learning to coordinate their movements with others. Children stand in one line, put their hands on each other’s belts and, like this “train” (glued together by raindrops), begin to move . On the way they encounter various obstacles: they need to step over boxes, walk along an impromptu bridge, go around large boulders, crawl under a chair, etc.--------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- No. 6 "CLUB" ( from 4 years old) Goal: establishing contact, friendly relationships. Children sit in a circle, the leader, holding a ball in his hands, wraps a thread around his finger, asks any question he is interested in to the participant in the game. For example: “What is your name, do you want to come with me be friends, what do you love, what are you afraid of,” etc.), he catches the ball, wraps the thread around his finger, answers the question, and then asks his to the next player. Thus, at the end the ball is returned to the leader. Everyone sees the threads connecting the participants in the game into one whole, determines what the figure looks like, learns a lot about each other, and unites. NOTE: If the leader is forced to help a child who is having difficulty, then he takes the ball back, gives it to him and throws it to the child again. As a result, you can see children experiencing difficulties in communication - the leader will have double, triplecommunications.------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -----------------No. 7 “Duck, duck, goose” (from 4 years old) The participants in the game stand in a circle. The leader is inside the circle. He walks in a circle, points with his hand and says: “Duck, duck, duck... goose.” The goose takes off, running away in the opposite direction from the leader. The task of both of them is to quickly fill the vacated space. The whole complexity of the game is that at the meeting place the competitors must take each other’s hands, curtsy, smile and greet: “Good morning, good afternoon, good evening!”, and then rush to the free place again. Note: An adult is watching so that each participant plays the role of a “goose”. Greetings and curtsies must be performed clearly and loudly.------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------No. 8 “Cooks” (from 4 years old) Everyone stands in a circle - this is a saucepan. Now we will prepare the soup (compote, vinaigrette, salad). Everyone comes up with what it will be (meat, potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage, parsley, salt, etc.). The presenter shouts out in turn what he wants to put in the pan. The one who recognizes himself jumps into the circle, the next one, jumping, takes the hands of the previous one. Until all the “components” are in the circle, the game continues. The result is a delicious, beautiful dish - simply delicious.--------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------No. 9 “Friendship begins with a smile” (from 4 years old) Those sitting in a circle join hands, look into the neighbor’s eyes and silently give him the kindest smile there is, one by one. ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- No. 10 “Kind animal” (from 4 years old) Participants stand in a circle and join hands. The presenter says in a quiet voice: “We are one big, kind animal. Let's listen to how it breathes! Everyone listens to their breathing and the breathing of their neighbors. “Now let’s breathe together!” Inhale - everyone takes a step forward. Exhale - everyone takes a step back. Inhale - everyone takes 2 steps forward, exhale - everyone takes 2 steps back. Inhale - 2 steps forward, exhale - 2 steps back. “This is how the animal not only breathes, its big, kind heart beats just as clearly and evenly. A knock is a step forward, a knock is a step back, etc. We all take the breath and heartbeat of this animal for ourselves.”--------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- No. 11 “Compliments” (from 4 years old ) Sitting in a circle, everyone joins hands. Looking into your neighbor's eyes, you need to say a few kind words to him, praise him for something. The receiver nods his head and says: “Thank you, I’m very pleased!” Then he gives a compliment to his neighbor, the exercise is carried out in a circle.WARNING:1. Some children cannot give a compliment; they need help. Instead of praising, you can simply say “delicious”, “sweet”, “floral”, * milky” word.2. If a child finds it difficult to give a compliment, do not wait for his neighbor to be sad, say the compliment yourself --------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------No. 12 “Pass the ball” (from 4 years old) Sitting or standing, the players try to pass the ball as quickly as possible without dropping it. You can throw the ball to your neighbors as quickly as possible. You can turn your back in a circle and put your hands behind your back and pass the ball. Whoever dropped it is eliminated. NOTE: You can make the exercise more difficult by asking the children to close their eyes. ____________________________________________________________________________ No. 13 “Nest” (from 4 years old) Children sat down in a circle, holding hands - this is a nest. There is a bird sitting inside. Another bird flies outside and gives the command: “The bird flies out!” The nest crumbles and that's it.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------