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Children develop differently, each in their own individual rhythm. But there is a certain natural cyclical nature of development. The right hemisphere, which controls imaginative thinking, artistic perception, and general speech development, is active until the age of 6-7 years. After that, the left hemisphere turns on and takes the reins into its own hands. Logical thinking, relationships, and verbal development are gaining speed. Hence the first time in the first grade (school). And if it is better to correct a child under 6-7 years old with the help of games, indirect instructions, personal example of speech, behavior, then after 7 it is already necessary to develop tactics of specific methods, direct appeals and comparisons. Children under the age of 7 do not accept criticism and corrections, such as: speak correctly, don’t run, calm down. They perceive the world as a whole, without fragmentation, therefore any moral teachings will be incomprehensible to them. The child will not respond to prohibitions. What to do in this case? What resources will help you harmoniously interact with your child, and the child with you and the world around you? What is the best way to influence children's development without traumatizing them emotionally? An adult needs to learn to join the game of life. What does this mean? It means it is easier and more joyful to perceive any discrepancies and inconsistencies in relationships with children. My son, who was 4 years old, often began to tell me: - Mom, smile)) The child’s desire to be recognized, noticeable, “alive” stimulates it goes beyond the boundaries of discipline and order. Any violations attract the attention of others. There is a struggle for mom's attention. And when I began to simply rejoice in him, his uniqueness, accept him as a gift, then the bad deeds disappeared, or rather moved to the stage of more conscious ones. My son realized that I love and accept him, no matter what. He gained inner confidence and calm. That is, his actions acquired the status of more coherent - he began to listen and hear me. Playing made-up stories, entering into the image of a fairy tale, also works very well. Children do not want to separate fairy tales from real life. The work of imagination is very important before the age of 7 years. The child’s future confidence depends on this, namely his ability to find a way out of difficult situations, to be a leader, to make decisions. If, for example, your child categorically does not want to go to bed, eat, or go to the garden. Shift the conversation with him to associations with fictional characters or his favorite heroes. This way you can switch the child’s attention from refusal, whining to the secret world of a fairy tale. - eat, sleep and turn into a hero, you will become strong and brave; - say the magic word and the door will open; - in this dress you look like a princess, in this one you look like Cinderella , which image is closer to you today? - if you put away your toys yourself, then the magic hedgehog will bring you more; - did you know that the trees are alive and they quietly asked me not to scream; - today a kind gnome is waiting for you in the garden , hare, turtle, etc. - he (s) called me in the morning and asked you to come... From the way we speak, what exactly we say, in what tone, what emotion we use accompanies the word, the reflective behavior of the children depends. Remember: the child, through your emotions, receives a signal for himself “Mom loves me or does not love me.” Children do not understand that you can simply be without a mood - they begin to lift this mood for you with the help of whims and impudent behavior. You cannot suppress your feelings, they need to be expressed, expressed. Ignoring your own and your children’s feelings leads to deep resentment and mental trauma. Therefore, you should always talk to your children about your feelings, express emotions and explain that I am angry at your actions, I am happy for you, I am ashamed of your behavior, I find it funny how you say... and they will understand you and feel that they are loved, significant, unique to you.