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From the author: The article was published in the collection of the III Congress of Psychologists, Consultants, Psychotherapists and Psychiatrists of the Siberian Federal District “Psychotherapy, psychological counseling and psychiatry in Siberia: modern trends and prospects. A look into the future.” It is generally accepted that pregnancy for a woman is a period of increased risk for somatic and mental health. Complaints of a neurotic nature by pregnant women are explained either by the “special situation” of the woman and are ignored, or lead to the prescription of symptomatic drug therapy. During pregnancy, a woman's psyche undergoes significant changes. The expectant mother begins to react to some events more emotionally and sensitively. The entire being of a pregnant woman focuses on thoughts about the future baby, the “dominant of pregnancy”; this state is ensured by the action of a certain amount of hormones that provide optimal conditions for the development of the child. At the same time, the involvement of art and creativity in therapeutic and correctional programs to help pregnant women has long been considered a gentle and effective way to influence the condition of women and the intrauterine mental development of children. One such method is sand therapy. Sand therapy is focused on the inherent inner potential of health and strength in every person. Her emphasis is on the natural manifestation of thoughts, feelings and moods in creativity, acceptance of a person as he is, along with his characteristic methods of self-healing and harmonization. Playing with sand allows you to activate your imagination and express the images that arise. A person playing can comprehend the contents of his unconscious by creating sandy landscapes one after another. Images are healing due to the fact that they contribute to the inclusion of unconscious mental contents in consciousness. A person “works out” his problems and thus overcomes internal conflict. The most significant advantage of the method lies in its naturalness. Playing with sand is perfect for pregnant women to relax, achieve peace and balance, reflect their emotional experiences, and also helps the expectant mother to repeat the plot of a situation that was psychologically traumatic, but to replay the ending or other problematic part in a positive, desirable way for her. There are various methods of working with sand: within the framework of sand therapy - building your own internal picture of the world on the sand, followed by change and transformation; as well as creating a personal mandala from colored sand and drawing with sand on light tables on a given or free theme. We conducted a pilot study in which 30 pregnant women participated; the women were matched by age and social status: married, first pregnancy, higher education, 23-26 years old. The study revealed 26.5% (8 women) with a predominance of the optimal type of psychological component of the gestational dominant (PCGD), 40% (12 women) - euphoric type of PKGD, 7% (2 women) - hypogestognosic type of PKGD, 26.5 % (8 women) – an alarming type of PKGD, according to the “Relationship Test of a Pregnant Woman” by I.V. Dobryakova. In the course of working with these women for 12 days, we conducted 3 sessions of building a sand world and creating 1 sand mandala; it was revealed that all 22 women (women with a different type of PCGD) experienced an increase in optimal significant relationships, which gives the right assert a positive trend. In 16 out of 22 women, the predominant optimal type of PCGD was formed. With 7 women with a predominantly optimal type of PCGD, identified initially, during sand therapy and the construction of a personal mandala from sand, significant relationships that were different from the optimal type of PCGD were corrected, emotional experiences that arose during the period of.