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From the author: The traditions of family dynasties are still alive, when questions of choosing a professional activity do not particularly arise, this happens in the families of musicians, actors, medical workers, engineers, teachers, military personnel . In these families, passion and commitment to a certain profession is passed on from heart to heart, from generation to generation - through involvement in values, traditions, a special atmosphere of awareness of the significance of the chosen activity for the world. In the experience of previous generations of our country (USSR), mastering a profession “at the call party of the people." Few people asked the question: “Do I like what I do?” After all, the country was developing at a rapid pace. What has changed now? What you need to know in order to choose your life’s work and improve in it later - this is an article-discussion. In my school years, essays on the topic “Professions of Parents” were popular. I remember how out loud, in front of the whole class, the teacher read out “exemplary” texts in which someone’s parents “happily went to work”... When I was preparing my homework, I turned to my mother with questions about my favorite job, I caught the sadness in her eyes, even before receiving an answer. Mom was not doing what her soul was about. And, unfortunately, my essay was not included in the “best” and was not read out in front of the whole class. Even then, at the age of 9, I realized that people who are self-realized in their profession are endowed with a special magnetic attraction. Their eyes light up differently when they talk about what they love. Listening to them, you become infected with their ideas, vision of prospects, possibilities and faith in success. And I made certain conclusions for myself: It is important to choose a job you like (what you like, arouses increased interest, captivates, what makes your eyes “light up”, changes your gaze in a conversation, which allows you not to feel tired and forget about everything else - food, comfort, money ). People who have achieved maximum success organize their work in such a way as to spend as much time as possible doing what they like. You can learn about your preferences, inclinations and abilities by getting involved in activities, listening to your feelings and feedback from those around you. Talent characterizes only a person’s potential, and the results of his work depend on motivation and hard work. Motivation for achievements, constant self-improvement and enormous capacity for work are what distinguishes people who have realized themselves professionally and personally. It is extremely rare to find ideal combinations of giftedness, talents, deep knowledge, aspirations, the presence of practical skills, and a special type of thinking. At every stage of professional development, something will be missing. Going beyond the standards, coming up with a new solution, identifying and/or creating new needs of people - this is what distinguishes the passionate and successful. Professional success is often associated with receiving a good education. It is difficult to imagine in our time a good doctor, engineer, agronomist, financier, lawyer, teacher, manager without systematic professional knowledge and mastery of innovative technologies. Professional success without higher education is also not uncommon. Mikhail Kalashnikov, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg (and others) did not receive a classical higher education, but successfully realized themselves as individuals and professionals. The lack of a higher education diploma did not prevent them from succeeding. Conclusion No. 1: Obtaining a higher education diploma (formal education) began to build the basis for achieving professional success; A special passion for an idea related to a professional field encourages creativity and continuous self-development (non-formal education ), attracts equally passionate people to you, creating strong teams that lead to new solutions, creating new needs. There are several ways to achieve professional (and personal) success: 1st standard, by obtaining a formaleducation, as basic, and then - constant improvement and development in the chosen business or the second - not standard, the search for opportunities to implement your own ideas and constant self-education, self-development (not formal, without a course of compulsory subjects, “hourly” and grades). The second method – is not suitable for everyone, because to reach the level of Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, you need to be them J, i.e. have a complex of unique personal characteristics: over-motivation and striving for achievement, unbending will and inner strength, the ability to see opportunities in everything, even failures. And also - having the mindset of “finding solutions” rather than “describing problems” and a willingness to take risks. Note that these people have become successful and famous thanks to unique solutions to problems (taking into account needs) that are interesting and important to other people! Having quite a lot of work experience in large manufacturing companies of various types, I am repeatedly convinced that the best=successful employees live by their profession and cannot imagine their life without what they love. They are ready to do it, even if they don’t pay for it J. Conclusion No. 2: Money is a side effect of high professionalism, which provides new opportunities, freedom and influence, which is more significant for these people. Conclusion No. 3: Tendencies and interests in certain types of activities appear quite early, even in preschool childhood. It is important to notice these interests in time and support their development. Lucky are those whose parents (or simply attentive adults) noticed a “spark of talent” and did not extinguish it, but allowed it to flare up. Wise are those who are guided when choosing a profession for their children by their sustainable interests, abilities, aspirations, and not the level of wages in certain industries or its demand (for these are just variables). Conclusion No. 4: Research by scientists suggests that the weight of our brain remains practically unchanged for several millennia. For many centuries we have been using the part of the brain (10-15%) responsible for logic and knowledge, but we rarely think about why we are given the rest - 85-90%, responsible for imagination, flexibility, creative thinking, intuition, understanding and taking into account the differences in emotions - your own and other people for effective communication, is another. So, people who have achieved professional success and managed to realize their talent potential are distinguished by higher emotional intelligence (its components are in those 85 - 90% of abilities that most of us underestimate and does not develop throughout life). Perhaps this is what explains the success of Mikhail Kalashnikov, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg? They deliberately refused to receive a formal (“framework”) higher education in favor of self-discovery and the realization of their dreams. After all, no one told them “how to”, they experimented, created, created their own rules, made mistakes, experienced them, learned lessons, introduced adjustments and rose to new heights. They were ahead of others, often not thanks to, but in spite of. Conclusion No. 5: I am convinced that it is possible and necessary to combine two approaches to education (formal + informal) if you want to: realize your full potential; influence the progress (changes) not only of your life and loved ones, but also of society , country, world as a whole; to be a harmonious and happy person. How to realize this? When choosing a direction of education: listen to yourself, learn more deeply about your strengths and limitations, deep interests, trust your intuition, take tests, consult with professionals; develop personal qualities (confidence, will, friendliness, successful communication, creative thinking, intuition, initiative, emotional intelligence, consideration and understanding of cultural differences, flexibility of thinking), because often they influence the achievement of success to a much greater extent than grades in the certificate; aim for summer internships at specialized enterprises from the last grades of school,?