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From the author: A whole series of stories from the series “Susie and Her Friends” is being prepared for publication. I would like to offer to the attention of parents whose children do not adapt well to kindergarten, one of the psychotherapeutic stories written by me for my daughter. The result usually does not wait long, and the child changes his attitude towards a particular situation. I hope your child, like mine, will really like Susie and her friends. How Susie didn’t want to go to kindergarten. © Bondarovich A. All summer Susie rested at home and did not go to kindergarten. She had a vacation, and mom and dad had a vacation. Susie slept as much as she wanted, watched her favorite cartoons, drew and played various games. “It’s good to be home!” Susie thought. “Sleep as much as you want, do what you want, and you don’t need to go to kindergarten!” And when the summer ended, Susie really didn’t want to go to kindergarten. “Mom, can I stay at home?” I don't want to go to kindergarten. Katya will offend me there, I’m sad there and I miss home. - Daughter, all children should go to kindergarten or school. In fact, it’s quite normal for you to want to be at home - everything here is familiar to you, your family’s toys and things are at home, I understand that you prefer to be at home with mom and dad, but in kindergarten the teacher and your friend Mona also miss you, There are a lot of children in the kindergarten, and it’s very cool to be together with a lot of your friends and acquaintances, boys who are the same age as you. Susie listened carefully to her mother and decided that she would take a soft toy with her to kindergarten that would remind her of home. “Mom, will I take my rabbit Robin to the garden?” “Yes, take it,” said Mom. Susie quickly got dressed, took her rabbit, and went with her mom to kindergarten. On the way, they chatted about the weather, their mood, and the fact that Susie’s dad would pick him up in the evening. As soon as they entered the garden, Susie began to cry for some reason. “What happened?” Mom asked, “why are you crying?” “I’m very sad to part with you, I’ll miss you,” Susie answered, hugging her mother’s neck and wiping her tears from her face. cheeks. Mom was very upset that Susie cried, because everything was wonderful on the way to the garden. Mom didn’t know how to help Susie and calm her down: “Don’t cry, Susie, everything will be fine,” but Susie kept crying and crying. Questions for discussion: - What could happen next? - How could mom calm Susie down? - Why did Susie not want to go to kindergarten? - How did mom feel when Susie cried? - Why do all children have to go to kindergarten or school? Listen to the continuation. The fact that Susie was crying made her very sad, and now it was difficult for her to calm down. She wanted to cry more and more. “I’m crying because I’m very sad,” said Susie. Hearing that someone was crying, other children came out of the group, took Suzy by the hand and went into the group. Friend Mona showed Susie a funny face, Kirill sang a ditty and a beautiful smile appeared on Susie’s face, the mood became good and mom went to work, and Susie told herself that she shouldn’t have cried, because there really are a lot of interesting and new things in the kindergarten, and not necessarily to be at home, to feel good. Since then, Susie goes to kindergarten in a good mood, and when the mood is not good, she takes pencils and draws. Questions for discussion: - How did the story end? - Why did Susie decide that she was crying in vain? - What helped Susie cheer up?