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From the author: Memory is the past. It is given to a person to remember, preserve and remember what has already happened. If we were deprived of this feature, we, according to I.M. Sechenov, would find ourselves in the role of an eternal newborn who knows nothing and has no experience. Subscribe to new publications by the author of the article to receive notifications about new publications and notesMemory is the past. It is given to a person to remember, preserve and remember what has already happened. If we were deprived of this feature, we, according to I.M. Sechenov, would find ourselves in the role of an eternal newborn who knows nothing and has no experience. The key to successful memorization or good memory is a personal, emotional attitude. Events associated with particularly strong impressions remain in the memory for a long time, retaining the smallest details and details. Memory is important for a huge number of human activities. We remember different things: vivid phenomena, objects learned, movements performed, thoughts experienced, feelings. That is why there are several types of memory. Imagery (auditory, visual, tactile, gustatory, olfactory). A person remembers, preserves, reproduces in memory various images or phenomena of the surrounding reality. Some people have developed a special memory, for example, perfumers, food and wine tasters. Verbal-logical memory stores concepts, formulations, and thoughts. This species is owned only by humans. Because thoughts are expressed through speech. Motor or motor memory is aimed at remembering and repeating movements. This ensures the full assimilation of motor skills. Emotional memory. Everything that a person experiences leaves a noticeable mark on the soul. Completely different feelings are necessarily deposited in the depths of memory, and then reproduced in a variety of situations. A person's behavior is largely determined by his emotional memory. He demonstrates anger, joy, remorse. The spiritual development of any of us is unthinkable without what we have already learned and experienced. A person controls his behavior because he already knows how positive or negative emotions are accompanied by this or that action. Involuntary and voluntary memory. We encounter these concepts all the time. A striking event, a date, or faces that make an indelible impression are remembered completely freely and involuntarily. When studying educational material, memory takes on the form of arbitrary memory. Operational, short-term, long-term memory. The names speak for themselves. It is worth dwelling on the concept of “operational”. This means memorizing some information for a short period of time in order to perform some operation. In all cases, memory and its productivity are more successful for those people who are distinguished by special volitional qualities that are so necessary for the memorization process. Superficial perception and retention of information is typical for people who are weak-willed and weak-willed. Only the person himself can direct his energy, strength, desire to assimilate and reproduce what is left in memory. The regulation of this complex process is always in the hands of the individual, that is, the person himself. Original publication on www.dzhuruk.pro