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There are dreams that come true, and there are dreams that do not come true. How to dream correctly? Dream rules: 1. Don't limit your dream2. Don't think about ways to make your dreams come true3. They are not afraid of making their dreams come true, do not resist 4. Believe that it will definitely come true5. Feel worthy of your dreams: “I can afford it”6. Act as if the dream has already come true7. Let go of the fear that your dream will not come true, do not cling to it. If you are really scared, start small. Whose dreams come true more often, optimists or pessimists? Everyone. There is simply a difference in dreaming of having a lot of money and dreaming of paying off debts. Having received the dream, we understand that this is not necessary. What's the matter? Most likely, the following reasons: 1. Not my dream, but someone else’s – my dad’s or my wife’s. Or even social attitudes play a role.2. An error in levels: we dream about material things, but the need is higher in the hierarchy of needs; we actually want attention and understanding. We want expensive things to satisfy the need for significance, for self-worth, but the result is very weak, because this is a psychological need.3. Depreciation. Until the dream comes true, it is beautiful. As soon as it is achieved, it has become part of the dreamer, it becomes not valuable, because the dreamer himself does not feel his own value. How to understand what is needed? To understand your dream is to understand yourself, your real needs. To check if I am not suppressing my feelings, if I can feel joy. Only your own feelings can indicate that you are on the right path. This is a special job if you are often disappointed in your dream. Visualization. How it works? Visualization activates the brain, with different pictures you imagine causing activity in different areas of the brain. By visualizing, you mainly activate the right hemisphere, which is responsible for creativity. That is why the path to realizing your dream will appear in the process of action. It is important to achieve a state where consciousness does not interfere, to bring the creation of the image of the desired future to automaticity. Let the unconscious, the autonomic nervous system, work. We do not control breathing, walking, and in the same way we do not need to control the creation of images. Images should initially be as clear, detailed as possible, created by imagination and feelings, and not by rational thinking. If your feelings and actions are in harmony, then visualization will work, and not turn into a fantasy. You need to act, even if you think there are no resources. They will appear as soon as you start doing something. Dream card. How does it help? How does it work? A dream map is an image, a visualization, embodied in material symbols. It helps to hold this image, we see a dream map - we remember the image, imagine the picture. The creation of a map in itself gives inspiration, allows you to notice movement towards a dream. If we don’t get results, how should we feel about it? If you not only dreamed, but and acted and did not get results, then you need to do the following: 1. Ask yourself: Have I done everything to make my dream come true? 2. Experience, react to feelings, do not suppress them.3. See what exactly you did wrong.4. Gain valuable experience.5. Feel and express gratitude for what happened.6. Let go with the feeling that I am still good.7. Move on, face your fears, don’t lose faith in yourself, keep dreaming.