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From the author: Published in the newspaper "Subbota-Plus" from January 3-10, 2013Olga Garkavets in collaboration with journalist Olesya Kramarenko Children's drawings sometimes resemble cave creativity. But psychologists advise taking scribbles more seriously - to the little ones of your own child. Young artists look at the adult world with different eyes. Truthful, real. And often, behind children’s craic, there are fears, melancholy, cries and signals for help: “Mom, I feel bad, help me.” How can you use a box of pencils to find out what is happening to your child? “If it seems to you that it is easier to just talk to your child and he will tell you everything himself, you are deeply mistaken,” says Olga Garkavets, psychologist. – Sometimes it’s hard for us adults to pour out our souls, but what can we say about the little fidgets? The baby himself does not understand what is happening to him, and is not yet able to express it in words. And drawing for him is not art, but a means of communication. Here he has complete freedom. A pencil allows you to express everything that has accumulated in the soul of a little person. The psychologist recommends studying drawings no earlier than the child turns 4-5 years old. We need to ask him to draw his family. At the same time, you should not specify who and how best to draw, or list family members. Let the child do everything himself, then the picture of his internal state will be the most objective. There is contact! According to the psychologist, the child should not draw under strict supervision. Take a book, show that you are distracted by something, and just peek at the drawing sequence. It is important not only to see the drawing, but also to observe how the child behaves while drawing family members. So, the child will be the first to draw the person most significant to him. Then less significant and so on. It is important to see where he places himself, who is closer to him, with whom he has the best contact. Sometimes one of the family members is missing from the drawings. The child finds a good excuse for this. “During one of the lessons, five-year-old Daniil did not draw his mother and said that she was at training and was not at home,” says Olga. “Mom really paid little attention to her son, although she sincerely believed that everything was fine. Sometimes a child forgets to draw himself. In this case, parents should think hard: perhaps the child feels uncomfortable in the family, as if he is the odd one out there. Family Without Nose If the picture of a family does not have ears, mouths, or noses in the picture, this indicates alienation, closedness. – For example, at one of the consultations “My six-year-old boy drew a picture of a family without a nose,” says the specialist. “In the conversation, we managed to find out that the family maintains the appearance of warm relations, but in fact all family members are closed from each other. A bright red large mouth indicates aggression in the family. When one girl depicted the whole family with such mouths, her mother admitted that there were constant quarrels in the family. Correct size Pay attention to the length of the little people’s arms and legs. Very short limbs indicate that the child experiences discomfort in society when communicating. The absence of hands indicates the lack of rights of a family member. The most careful drawing is for the most beloved family member. By the way, if a child draws all family members holding hands, this is an indicator of harmony and a friendly atmosphere. What is important is the height of the child in the picture. Being the same height as your parents is the idol of the family; being too small means insecurity and low self-esteem. The closer family members are drawn to each other, the closer they are in life. If a child is drawn in the center, he feels loved and significant to his parents. An alarming sign If someone from the family is depicted with his back or in profile, it means that he is causing anxiety in the child. True, if a quarrel recently occurred between him and the baby, then drawing him from such angles is a temporary phenomenon. Kids are very emotional and it is very easy to offend them. And then they can completely exclude one of the family members from the picture. Most often these are younger sisters and brothers, after whose birth the child began to receive less attention and.