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Has it ever happened to you that, under the influence of certain circumstances - different (a holiday, a surprise, the meanness of others, evil caustic words, etc.) emotions overwhelmed you so much that you could not cope with them. I think I won’t be mistaken if I say what happened to almost everyone. And if these were positive emotions, great, because there is no need to hide them. You can safely express them: laugh, be delighted, cry with emotion, etc. But what to do if you are overwhelmed by so-called “negative” emotions, because they cause the greatest concern? Before we talk about this, let's figure out what emotions are in general? Emotion is a natural psychophysiological reaction to a stimulus. I emphasize - natural. In other words: if a passerby smiles at you, most likely your soul becomes light and joyful, and you smile back. And if you are rude, completely different feelings are born - for example: anger, resentment, irritation. In the first and second cases, the smile and rudeness of others are an irritant. Irritants can be different: a book read, a TV show, the weather, a lost receipt, etc. And this is something that often does not depend on us. But the emotions that we experience in response - everyone is responsible for them, and most importantly for their expression outside. Are there good or bad emotions? Is joy, for example, a positive or negative emotion? What do you think? Of course it's positive. What if joy arises at the moment when someone fails? What then? "Well!" - you say - “This is completely different - this is gloating.” Exactly - evil joy. We often tend to justify ourselves - they say, it’s my own fault, I have good intentions. And yet the fact remains. Or, say, fear - is this feeling positive or negative? Negative? Maybe, but what about the instinct of self-preservation then? After all, if it were not for fear, how many stupid things we would do. So it turns out that the division of emotions into “+” and “-” is very arbitrary. Rather, it is appropriate to talk about socially approved and socially disapproved emotions. So, for example, feeling tenderness is good, but envy is bad. These are attitudes that are often instilled in childhood by parents, teachers, and significant others. Emotions are neither good nor bad - they just exist. And this must be taken for granted. So what to do with conditionally “-” emotions, which are: resentment, anger, irritation, rage - complete this list yourself. After all, if you give them free rein, it is destructive for the relationship. And if you suppress it, it is destructive for yourself. Imagine that our body is a bag. It is filled and filled, there is no longer any room in it, and everyone is squeezing and compacting, in the end, it will simply crack at the seams - it will burst. How much can you overfill your spiritual bag? Until your body hurts. After all, it has long been proven by doctors and psychologists that chronic experience, suppression of emotions, is fraught with bodily diseases (hypertension, gastritis, ulcers, etc.), not to mention all kinds of neuroses. So what should we do? - the question arises. There are safe ways to react (outburst) negative emotions. The recommendations are as follows: 1) At a moment of strong emotional intensity, take a break in the dialogue (if possible). Say you'll come back to the conversation later. Because an aggressive conversation can never be constructive. In addition, there is a risk of slipping into mutual accusations and insults. 2) Seclude yourself and let off steam without witnesses. There are different methods: - express everything to an imaginary offender, without mincing words. - write him a letter that he will not read - beat the pillow, saying everything , what is painful? Someone chops wood, someone runs, someone dances, someone draws. If the proposed methods do not suit you, look for your own. The main thing is to give vent to your feelings. And when he lets go, return to the conversation. Don’t rush to grin skeptically - try it. And remember! Everyone experiences emotions, but being their prisoner or master is your choice..