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Everyone experiences it differently. Someone can come to an agreement and part with “small” losses. Someone with a huge scandal. And for some, divorce drags on for years. No matter how it happens outwardly, in everyone’s soul there is an ocean of sadness, disappointment, and resentment. Why does this happen? Maybe because we set ourselves ideal goals, impossible tasks. And when we fail, we often lose the meaning of our whole life. Hopes and dreams are crumbling. You should always remember that the moment one thing ends, something else begins. There are no coincidences. If this happened, then it had to happen. Accept everything as it comes. Divorce is always painful. Feel this pain, experience it to the fullest. There is no need to savor your losses and experiences for the rest of your life. Give yourself a day, two, a week. Cry, think about what you have lost, about what you really want. Realize it all. And close this door. Don’t “drag” this “train” with you through life. Now look at your prospects. You have the opportunity to start over. New acquaintances, dates. A chance to fall in love again, to experience a storm of emotions. And the experience gained will help you avoid some mistakes. Use the time you gain. Take care of yourself and your career. Be successful. Deal with those feelings that prevent you from doing this. For example, guilt. It doesn't matter whose fault the divorce was. It is always present. We feel guilty for the pain we cause to our loved ones and children. Because we offend someone we once loved. You never know for what else. Sometimes this can be so unbearable that guilt turns into embitterment. We become so embittered that we begin to sincerely believe that it is the ex-spouse who is to blame for everything. And moreover, in his face we see the entire opposite sex. With such an attitude, it is almost impossible to find new love. Next comes a feeling of self-doubt. Only rare people feel at their best after a divorce. Most of us feel confused and disappointed in ourselves and our abilities. Then comes a feeling of acute loneliness. Even if you came to this consciously, and you know for sure that it is better this way. The severity of loneliness is not decreasing at all. You just need to get over all this. And the sooner you do this, the sooner you can start a happy, fulfilling life. You are not the only one who has encountered this. And, as statistics show, only one percent of women give up on themselves. Everyone else is building their life anew and, often, successfully. Of course, after a divorce, a lot of problems of a non-emotional nature arise. Where to live, what to live on. Household problems that require physical, male strength. But everything can be resolved. Perhaps these problems, or rather the search for solutions to them, will make you stronger, wiser, or direct your life in a new direction. Where you will find a new meaning in life. Don't cling to the past. It was and is gone. Nothing can be changed anymore. Don't wait for the future in the hope that it will come and change everything for the better. Live now and change your life as you see fit. Use the free time for yourself. Make dreams come true that you previously didn’t have time for. Learn to embroider with satin stitch, learn a foreign language, jump with a parachute. Do something you weren't allowed to do before. Paint all the walls with bright colors, get a dog. Enjoy the opportunities that arise. Become interesting to yourself. When you become a harmonious person, you will definitely meet a person who will be close to you in spirit. With him you will begin to live a new life full of interesting events.