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“I’m tired of living like this”, “I dream of changing my life for the better”, “I can’t do this anymore”... Many people realize and feel that they would like a completely different life. Many are now ready to decide on new actions and generate changes. When does the feeling that you really want to change your life for the better become especially acute? - A total feeling of dissatisfaction - A series of failures and losses - A striking trigger, for example, a meeting with an old acquaintance or someone expressed opinion - Some previous idea, concept was destroyed, but you have not yet formed a new one. If there is an internal protest, disagreement with the way things are at the moment, then you should not ignore it. So it's time for a change. The responsibility is on you, everything depends on you. This is what is important in order to really change your life for the better. To use this energy and mood for creation.1) Be honest with yourself. Ask yourself what the true desire is at the heart of all this.2) Decide what you really want. “A better life” - what is it, in your understanding? 3) A transition to a new level is not possible without giving up something old. Agree with yourself - what old things are you ready to give up, what are you ready to reduce. 4) Reset negative experience Do not be dependent on your past experience. It’s better to pay more attention to how you would like. 5) Make a list of your main resources What you have, what you will rely on as you move towards what you want. 6) Choose a source of true inspiration Find ways for yourself to inspire yourself, how to make the whole path interesting and pleasant than to emotionally nourish yourself. 7) Start learning something new It is very important, especially at this stage, to learn something new and immediately implement it. 8) Get ready for big and long work You will have to solve problems, you will have to go through discomfort. Full responsibility is yours.9) Appreciate your individuality. Do not copy anyone. Don't look for standard solutions. And rely as much as possible on your authenticity. 10) Give yourself more support Use the rule. "1+3". 1 point – what would I improve. 3 points - what I did well, for which I should praise myself. 11) Be bolder in going into new things and generating change Be an activator of change, take a proactive position. 12) Make a decision not to deviate from the path Maintain determination and not give up at the first difficulties.13 ) Enjoy the renewal process Do not run away from something, but go towards something. Don’t live only with the idea of ​​the final result, but be inspired by the very process of overhauling your life. 14) Set realistic goals Move step by step. Plan for as much as you can take out. It is better to gradually raise the bar and increase the load. Remember that changing your life for the better is only in your hands. If you have the desire, the passion, then go for it! You already know what to do. Believe in yourself, believe in yourself. positive changes are already close. Vera Bokareva, psychologist, psychotherapist, coach For consultations: WhatsApp / Viber / Telegram: +7-963-231-37-12 / verabo.ru