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HOW TO SURVIVE A CRISIS: CHANGING POOR THINKING TO RICH How you survive a crisis depends only on your type of thinking. A person with a poverty mindset is unlikely to be able to seriously earn, retain and increase big money even in the most favorable conditions. A person with a wealth mindset will find opportunities to preserve and increase capital in any crisis situation. Moreover, he will act effectively, environmentally, observing the win-win principle. Our actions are always determined by the type of thinking. It is actions that give results. The correct steps you take will determine your standard of living. In this article I will give a simple, repeatedly proven method for transforming poor thinking into rich thinking. Now is the time to make a little effort to guarantee yourself and your loved ones a decent life in any circumstances. Before changing your thinking, you need to analyze it. Find your points of growth, highlight your strengths, identify your weaknesses. To do this, below I will describe in the simplest form the main components of rich thinking and compare them with the characteristic features of poor thinking: ➕ The most important difference: the rich think like winners. I had a separate article about this.➖ And the poor already initially think like losers and give up even before the start.➕ The rich take maximum responsibility for their lives and everything that happens in it. The principle “Everything depends on me.” People with this mindset understand that only they themselves can improve their lives and achieve their goals. The richer a person is, the wider his area of ​​responsibility and the more money he can earn. He sees reality larger, more objective and more complete. Like the captain of a ship holding the helm.➖ The poor are sure that little depends on them. This is the position of the victim, when everyone around is to blame, but not him. The area of ​​responsibility is minimal; events constantly occur that block attempts to live better. It was as if the captain of the ship, instead of taking the helm, ran to the stern, sat down and began to complain that the waves were sinking the ship. Until a person takes on maximum responsibility, it will not be possible to reach a new level of life.➕ Rich people understand that money is not an end in itself, but only a tool. They provide opportunities and satisfy higher order needs. A person with a rich mindset will not agree to a minimum income, he is a maximalist.➖ The poor are ready to be content with the minimum amount for survival. They get used to a fixed salary. Everything earned in excess is most often spent on momentary satisfaction of the simplest needs. They don’t think bigger because of the limiting mindset “Big money = big problems.”➕ A rich mindset sees a million opportunities to make a million. The world for him consists of prospects and options for achieving a goal.➖ Poor thinking is focused not on opportunities, but on obstacles. This makes you lose sight of the goal, forget about it under the yoke of problems that come and go.➕ The rich know how to want, dream big, set ambitious goals. They are not confused or led astray by obstacles and problems. After all, this type of thinking is always focused on the goal.➖ Poor thinking often does not have a clear goal and grandiose dreams. After all, achieving a goal will inevitably entail a change in lifestyle. And this is a way out of your comfort zone, risk, and the unknown. The poor say they want a lot of money. But in fact, they prefer their comfort zone to them.➕ People with rich thinking also face difficulties. But they focus on SOLVING problems.➖ People with a poor mindset focus on the PROBLEM. They fall into a state of victimhood, plunging into helplessness. Limiting attitudes prevent them from seeing ways to solve the problem. Because of this, any difficulty is perceived as a disaster.➕ Rich thinking is big thinking. I always want more, to expand, to conquer new horizons. Once money starts making money, excitement begins. The moreThe more you get from life, the more you want to take. Such people break through the financial ceiling all the time, this gives them a huge boost of energy and emotions.➖ Poor thinking makes you think small. Ambitions are cut down in the bud by the fear of making mistakes and losing everything.➕ The rich are not shy about declaring themselves and their achievements. Rich thinkers understand that their services or products provide high value and help people live better lives. Therefore, they convey this information with confidence. They widely use advertising, develop a personal brand, and take initiative. They do everything to let people know about them. After all, popularity brings money.➖ Poor thinking makes a person ashamed of himself, silence or devalue his achievements, avoid advertising and opportunities to express himself. There is little money because people simply do not know what your value is, what you can offer. And not because you are not needed or are not competent enough.➕ People with rich thinking take everything at once. They don't have the concept of either/or. If such a person wants to build a house and relax at sea, he will not choose just one thing. He will find ways to take everything.➖ In poor thinking there lives the attitude “It is impossible to get everything at once.” A person is forced to concentrate on a choice, for example, “travel or car.” Instead of directing mental energy to strategize how to get both.➕ The rich sell the result of their labor. They work to ensure that the result is as valuable as possible. And brought the greatest profit to all participants in the transaction.➖ The poor sell their time. They believe that it is safer to receive a fixed payment for the hours worked, because then the responsibility for the result is minimal. People with this mindset often become indignant: “Why are you asking for such a huge amount of money for an hour of work?” It is difficult for them to understand that it is not the time spent, but the result of work, which is most often measured in very specific increased amounts of income.➕ People with rich thinking are not afraid to ask the right questions. Once they receive the information they need, they immediately use it to achieve their goals.➖ People with a poor mindset are afraid to ask, “What if they think I’m a fool.” Lack of information gives rise to mistakes, and they, in turn, create fear of action and uncertainty.➕ The rich value their time, they know that this is the most precious irreplaceable resource. They will not waste it on hated work or meaningless entertainment. Both rest and favorite work give them strength and energy to conquer new financial heights.➖ The poor value money and trade their time for it. The attitude “To earn a lot, you have to work for a very long time” To remove this attitude, think about how much an hour of your work costs? How can you increase your efficiency and the value of your time?➕ The rich buy assets, that is, things that will bring in money. The simplest example is buying an apartment that can be rented out. Or a premium car that will emphasize status in negotiations with partners.➖ The poor more often buy liabilities. Moreover, sometimes on credit. This is a double waste of money. For example, gold jewelry.➕ People with rich thinking are constantly learning and developing. After all, the world does not stand still, knowledge instantly becomes outdated. We need the latest information and modern methods. The rich are willing to pay experts, realizing that this is one of the most profitable investments➖ The poor believe that they know enough. They are not ready to invest in their development, they do not understand the connection between the funds invested in knowledge and the increase in income that they will bring. Because of this, poor-minded people seek free advice from dubious “experts.” Which often leads them down the wrong path.➕ People with rich thinking allow themselves the best and highest quality. In the long run, this approach proves beneficial. For example, high-quality clothing lasts longer and inspires trust among partners.➖ Poor thinking forces you to look for discounts and buy cheaper. As a result, things wear out quickly and you have to buy them