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When all learning was transferred to distance learning, teachers, students, and often parents are actively mastering online platforms for communication and completing educational tasks. Parents sometimes find it difficult to cope with organization when their child suddenly has a lot of free time. It is very important that everyone understands that self-isolation during a pandemic is not a vacation, and schoolchildren’s education continues, only it has moved online. It would seem that everything should be in order - the children are still busy. But many adults also find it difficult to maintain discipline while working remotely, let alone schoolchildren, it is much more difficult for them. I have prepared some tips that will help make distance learning interesting and easy for both children and adults. Remember that studying at home – is not the same as classroom learning. Therefore, if the school has not organized full-fledged online learning, and teachers send assignments for independent work, do not try to reproduce the school system at home. With a reasonable approach, it will take about three hours to practice the material that takes up a day at school (of course, not necessarily in a row). It makes sense to set rules for these three educational hours. For example, that you can use educational applications and websites, but not games and social networks. This needs to be clearly explained so that the child understands the expectations. And be an example yourself: do not scroll through the news feed without stopping and do not be distracted from work (if you work from home). It is generally difficult for school-age children to maintain attention for a long time, especially at home. To prevent learning from stretching out over the whole day, create a schedule that indicates how much time the child spends studying and how much time he rests. Breaks every 20-30 minutes are required - this way the child will not have time to get completely tired. Schoolchildren are not able to focus attention for more than 7-9 minutes, this should be taken into account. Thanks to the schedule, the child can see when he can next do something interesting for himself. If possible, allocate a specific workplace. Together with your child, place on his learning table all the items necessary for this (preferably with a reserve). Soon the student himself or herself will join in arranging his workspace, this will serve as an additional incentive to do things there. Do short, active five-minute sessions with your child every 1-2 hours. During isolation, it is useful for everyone to move more. Over time, a child may lose motivation to learn - this is normal. Gamification can help you. For example, try to create a new atmosphere together, let him imagine himself as a student of any of the fairy-tale schools. Try to maintain the magic of the game, if this is a school of wizards, let him write down all the words of the English language that are similar to spells. Do not forget about STEAM learning methods (science - science, technology - technology, engineering - engineering, arts and math - art and mathematics; implies both the acquisition of knowledge in these sciences and the ability to apply them in practice). Invite your child to carry out his own research project - during the entire self-isolation, observe the growth of a plant in a pot, make himself an assistant from office supplies, or develop a system for storing pots so that they do not fall or rattle. Inventing and exploring together is incredibly exciting. To make adaptation to the new learning format easier and the motivation to learn grows, do not forget to praise your child well. Celebrate all successes, no matter how small. During forced isolation, it’s not easy for everyone, and kind words from family are the best support. Realize that parents are not teachers or nannies, so don’t despair if you can’t explain something, and don’t try to do schoolwork for your child. Adaptation to new learning conditions lasts at least two weeks, so try to be patient with both the child and.