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Welcome to the pages, I’m glad to visit, but I hasten to disappoint you. Don't wait for tablets and tablets. There is nothing complicated or impossible to solve. If there is a problem, then there is a task. If there is a problem, then there is already a solution. This is how our world works. The brain simply cannot pose a problem for which there is no solution in our surrounding world. Do not confuse problems with fantasies. So, what is the algorithm for solving problems: 1. There is a problem, but it needs to be formalized, so to speak, transformed from philosophical reflection into a specific task. I don’t want this, why is everything so sad and unfair - these are not problems, but whining. But I don’t have enough money, I’m unhappy in my family, I don’t know my desires, I don’t know how to set goals, etc. That's already something. But distant from the problem itself. Rather, these are its symptoms. From this chaotic and incomprehensible, we create clarity and specificity. What exactly doesn't suit you? Neither husband (wife), nor mother and people, namely you. Answer: my financial situation, my relationship with Ivan Ivanovich, my current job, my health.2. The next question is: what do I really want? And this is where the fun begins. This is great - if you know the answer to this question, in this case, you don’t quite understand your problem, apparently you recently learned about your true desires. Since, personally, my private practice shows that all life dissatisfaction occurs due to ignorance of oneself, one’s true desires and goals. This is understandable, we live with our own kind. Our society is a wonderful place for the development of slavish, predictable and linear thinking. But here is the question: by choosing this model (simple), we do not get satisfaction. And we seem to know everything and even do it, we go to work, meet our husband, take the children to kindergarten and school, and as soon as we are left alone (desire comes down closer and closer to soap and rope in order to quickly escape from YOURSELF). How to distinguish your desires from social ones. and imposed? If it doesn’t leave you alone, despite repeated attempts and mistakes. It contradicts common sense, but does not disappear - a sure sign that it is yours. Scary? Agree. Not comfortable? And I agree on this. But if you do not choose your path, you are always doomed to trail behind and accept what you get from those in front.3. We find desires and form clear goals. Those people who are satisfied with their lives and know themselves do not need to develop the skill of achieving goals, they simply take the next step towards the final picture. For everyone else who wanders around the world in search of something like this, it is imperative to set goals and develop skills. If there is no desire, the minimum is to stop complaining and convincing others (thereby convincing yourself) of unfavorable circumstances.4. If your desire is not developed. That is, at some point I left the endless racing distance and realized that it was not clear where you were running, it was not clear why you were living and what benefit you had brought to the world. What to do in this case? As always, there is an answer. Expand the boundaries of consciousness. There are millions of things in the world that you have not yet tried, thousands of opportunities that are on both sides of you, but you have chosen this well-worn path and are running after those in front, afraid of falling behind and getting lost. We find what makes you happy and likes you. We form bold desires, set goals, make a plan and act. We strengthen with emotions and anticipation of what we receive, but at the same time we enjoy the process itself. And also, it is important, do not think that tomorrow, from Monday, from the new year, it will be better. It won’t be better than today if you don’t take a step forward. PS Oh, yes, I almost forgot. The main thing is to focus on the solution, and not on what doesn’t suit you))). With love, your assistant. Subscribe to a series of webinars on self-knowledge.