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From the author: It’s surprising that the words “betrayed” and “betrayal” are very similar, have the same root, but are completely different in meaning. After all, a devoted person is not capable of betrayal and treason. While the betrayer ceases to be faithful to his loved one, to his word, to himself. It is surprising that the words “betrayal” and “betrayal” are very consonant, have the same root, but are completely different in meaning. After all, a devoted person is not capable of betrayal and treason. While the betrayer ceases to be faithful to his loved one, to his word, to himself. When betrayal and betrayal have become the norm for you Betrayal and betrayal envelop you from head to toe, like a big blanket, not allowing you to move freely. And if you carefully examine your life, you will see that your parents and other close relatives wrapped you in this same blanket a long time ago. Betrayal by a man is just a small item on an endless list, which is called the lesson of betrayal. Not only a man can betray, before him, parents who asked you to move out of your home apartment during your student years, and children who went to another country and stopped calling, and girlfriends who went to a club without inviting you could have betrayed you. In this way, you can find the roots of betrayal in all stages of life. Perhaps your father abandoned your mother, who was pregnant with you, or your parents divorced and each began to arrange their own personal lives, leaving you to be raised by your grandparents. Maybe your parents worked all day long and because of this they didn’t even come to the school graduation. And your husband doesn’t have to cheat on you with other women in order to betray you. He could simply not live up to your expectations, disappoint you with his attitude towards you. Little betrayals constantly happen to you. Over the course of many years of my work, I never tire of being convinced that psychological problems come from childhood. And we also receive our first lessons of betrayal in childhood. And they do not happen at all with objects of desire in kindergarten or school. The first lessons of betrayal are taught to boys by mothers, and to girls by fathers. Although the basis is still the relationship with my mother. The strongest bond between parents and children of the opposite sex lasts until the age of 10. If both mom and dad betrayed a girl in childhood, then she will remember her dad’s betrayal more. Mom’s betrayal is repressed into the depths of the unconscious. Devotion has two sides: love, which must be reciprocated; pain from betrayal, because any devoted and loving person will ever be betrayed. And sometimes this very betrayal puts on such a mask through which it is practically impossible to know. Identifying Your Lesson of Betrayal Analyze your relationship with your father as a child. There must have been painful moments when you wished for a completely different behavior from your father. And you won’t remember too many such moments, because often the child’s weak psyche displaces this pain from memories in order to protect the child’s soul from suffering, hiding it far into the unconscious. And this pain from betrayal will always be inside you, it is this pain that will attract betrayal into your life. There are no random people in our lives. If your man committed treason, moreover, this is not the first relationship when you are betrayed, then it’s not about the men, but about your internal problems. But it’s not only from her father that the girl learns a lesson about betrayal. Many children, mostly girls, who grew up without a father, become attached to their mother. Although this situation is not called the rule, but rather the exception, it still needs to be considered. If a girl who experiences the most sincere and pure feelings, filled with tenderness and love, for her mother, will not consider herself betrayed, seeing that her mother is experiencing exactly the same feelings for this girl’s brothers or sisters? And isn’t the mother betraying the baby she is breastfeeding with constant thoughts about problems in her relationship with the father, thereby depriving the baby of full attention and maternal warmth? And if the mother plays with the child and suddenly/