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Reality is boring, but imagination is limitless?⠀Look at the oldest sculpture - the Venus of Willendorf. This is the ideal of beauty for an ancient man who starved for a long time, and for him fat was associated with fertility, abundance and beauty. For modern people, she doesn't seem attractive. But we like something different. Some are engaged in bodybuilding, some go to a plastic surgeon for size 3, and others go to a makeup artist to become a beauty in an hour or two, with big eyes and sweet lips.⠀Psychiatrist Ramachandran put forward one theory. It is based on an interesting experiment with seagulls. Seagull chicks reacted to a red stripe on their mother’s beak, pecked at it, asking for food. And then they were given an ordinary stick with the same red stripes. And they reacted to her the same way. When they were shown a stick with three stripes, the reaction was more violent! And they hardly reacted to one red stripe. Probably, if seagulls had their own museum, there would be exhibitions of red stripes))) The scientist believes that the analogy with people is the same - the exaggerated forms of Venus arouse great interest. In the same way, our gaze stops, and curiosity lights up inside when we see a girl who looks like a doll.⠀The culprit is the primitive instinct of exaggeration. This is a biological feature of consciousness that keeps us bored and pushes us to embellish and exaggerate reality with cosmetics, sports, art, clothing, plastic surgery.⠀Have you noticed something like this? Personally, I’ve been wondering for a long time: What can push people to get involved in bodybuilding and bring their body to such an elaborate look? It seems that I have finally found part of the answer 🤔⠀ Someone wants to seem stronger, someone more courageous, someone more beautiful and, based on personal values, chooses their reason for exaggeration. For me, the symbol of femininity is long hair. Since childhood, I looked at the actress Svetlana Khochenkova and admired her image, so now one of my goals is to grow long, long hair. What are your reasons for the instinct of exaggeration? What other manifestations of it have you noticed in people around? I took the idea from the documentary How Art Created the World, maybe someone watched it too? If you read the article to the end and liked it, please give a thank you, subscribe to my updates and share your impressions in comments) Article from my blog on Yandex.zen https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5e6f3189d965b421effcd24e