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Author: Vitaly Pichugin Source: http://www.nlplife.ru/ 1. New place. I'm sure if you live in a big city, there are many places you haven't been to yet. And in small towns, it’s enough to drive five to ten kilometers, and you will definitely find yourself in a new place. It is desirable that there is something interesting there. Who cares, maybe it will be a museum, a store, a park, a forest, a clearing, a cinema, there are many options. By the way, “abroad” is also a good new place, if time and money allow, then why not? 2. New people. A good resource, the main thing is that there are many of them. Choose any that can add variety to your life. Meet at least one person every day, preferably in real life, but you can also meet on the Internet. 3. New smells, new taste. Eat something new, let it be a pleasure. Buy new perfume, eau de toilette, deodorant, maybe some aromatic oil. Pleasant smells stimulate brain function. 4. Do your usual things in a new way, just change your “working” hand. For example, if you brushed your teeth with your right hand, try doing it with your left. They say that after changing their “working” hand, some people develop new abilities, I don’t know, check. But one person told me that he began to paint pictures with his left hand, although before he could not draw at all. I think it's true. Sometimes I look at the paintings of some artists, well, they obviously painted with their left hand, despite this, the price of the paintings is high.5. Turn off the lights, close your eyes. You know the location of objects in your apartment, so try walking from memory without using your eyesight. Attention and concentration are well activated due to the inclusion of touch, tactile sensations, and the hearing aid. 6. New clothes. Usually these are new sensations. A tracksuit requires its intended use; you can walk or run in it. A formal suit requires appropriate behavior. Try wearing different clothes, it helps to be different. Well, women know. 7. A new road to a new life. You go to work, to the store, as usual. Why not try a new road, let it be a little longer, but more interesting, and maybe it will turn out shorter, then you will also save time. 8. Any new activity. Try even something you have never done. The brain can quickly become active if it is offered to solve new problems. Let any offer be a new challenge, don’t refuse to work, try it. 9. New answers. We are used to answering the question “how are you” in a standard and identical way. Sometimes you can entertain yourself by coming up with ten possible answers. What about non-standard answers to other questions? 10. Read new books. At least watch one a week. Take thoughts from there, write them down. Maybe they'll come in handy. Also with magazines and newspapers. 11. If you haven’t gotten rid of the TV yet, then turn it on, but without sound. Watch the story, try to understand what people are saying. In the same way, you can become clairvoyant, or at least learn to better understand the emotions and body movements of other people. 12. Switch things up. Find new ways to switch. The general principle is simple. If you did mental work, do physical work, and vice versa. If you were sitting, move around, figure out how you can dance, sit down, do push-ups, jump, do pull-ups, walk up the stairs, the main thing is that this is a new activity for you. 13. Watch a new movie once a week. You can do it less often, the main thing is that you like it, have some kind of content, or simply entertain. 14. Read new jokes and metaphors regularly. On the one hand, it is useful for developing a sense of humor, on the other hand, laughing at a new joke is just an emotional boost. 15. Get a new animal. The main thing here is adequacy and realism; keeping a horse on the balcony is hardly necessary, but, for example, having fish, or a turtle, a cat is very positive, especially if you like all kinds of living creatures.