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Our lives are oversaturated with stress factors. We spend a lot of energy experiencing them. Tension accumulates and leads to numerous adverse consequences. These include diseases of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system and decreased immunity in general. A healthy lifestyle helps us cope with stressful situations more easily. And we have already discussed such important rules as sleep patterns, diet and physical activity. But how else can we help ourselves? We need to consciously increase our resistance to stress. To do this: Change the way you think about stress Our perception of stress affects how we react to it and how we experience it. Assess how you can change the situation. For example, reduce or share responsibility. Ask for help. Relax your expectations. Be yourself It is extremely difficult to meet other people's expectations. Yes, and this is completely useless. After all, each of us is unique and inimitable. Strive to improve, but only compare yourself to your past self. Relieve yourself of guilt. Guilt destroys us. Therefore, learn to dose it. Especially in relation to daily or global affairs. Remember, no one is perfect and we all have the right to make mistakes. Set goals Clearly defined goals with a time frame for them help you stay focused, not get scattered, and understand where you are going. The main thing is that the time frame should be approximate and not a reason for worry. Set your priorities correctly Determine your priority tasks at a given time. Focus on solving them. This will help you not to bother yourself with unimportant tasks. Accordingly, the extra source of worries will disappear, and the internal mood for success will remain. Eliminate overwork. Find time to rest. Preferably without gadgets, TV, and definitely without alcohol. The charge of strength and vigor received after a good rest will have a positive effect on both performance and health. Throw out negative emotions Sports help to throw out emotions. Or you can just cry or scream a lot. Just find a suitable place. For example, a forest. It's simple, but effective. We are unlikely to be able to live without stress. But we have the power to control the situation and not lead ourselves to a nervous breakdown. What is the main source of stress for you? Svetlana Sherstina, psychologist. Cost of consultation: 6000 rubles 50 min. Reception location: Novoslobodskaya, 18. To make an appointment, write to WhatsApp: 89261041045