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In the modern world, a person is haunted by a huge number of problems related to his nutrition. There are still a variety of diets (strict and not so strict), the “gurus” of proper nutrition still cannot agree on which foods are ok and which are not, vegans pour paint on installations in museums. Added to all this is the fact that modern people almost always eat “on the go,” quickly throwing in something high-calorie and washing it down with coffee. That is, food culture has faded not into the background, but into the tenth place. If we return to the basics, we can easily discover that the human body itself easily regulates what, when and how much to eat. Let’s consider the basic principles of adequate nutrition. In order to learn to feel hunger, it is important to learn to listen to your body. This can only be done by turning off or reducing the annoying and incessant rumbling of the brain. To do this, you need to remove all information sources before and during meals. Eating with your phone, in front of the TV or computer will invariably lead to you overeating. The brain will not be tuned in to eating; it generally doesn’t care what the mouth or stomach is doing there – it is busy perceiving information. Even if you are looking through the news feed of the participants of “House-2” - everything is information for the brain (think about it!). Never finish eating if you are full! This stereotype, which comes from childhood, must be eradicated. Well, what happens because you didn’t finish eating and put the leftover food in the refrigerator? Will there be cockroaches? Will the brownie be offended? Would starving children in Africa be offended? Don't completely eliminate any food category unless directed by your doctor (after careful assessment and diagnosis, of course). Eat varied and nutritious foods. Take your time while eating - we often just swallow everything on the plate and run on to work/to the children/to training/on errands, etc. Such a rush negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system and again deprives the body of the opportunity to calmly enjoy a meal, recognize all the tastes, chew the food thoroughly and use it to serve the body. Drink more water - this is a must. The body does not recognize the feeling of hunger and thirst - it often asks for food, although in fact you are thirsty. If you are hungry, eat. Your basic needs should always be a priority. Take care of the quality of the products you consume. It is better to give preference to local products with a simple composition and a minimum shelf life for this category of products. It is worth especially noting that before you start listening to your body, you need to check it for basic deficiencies. Otherwise, he will ask for what he lacks, but it will not always be broccoli with steamed chicken breast. Tell us, what principles do you follow when eating? Book a consultation: WhatsApp, Telegram +7 913 380-83- 42Skype: as3808342Learn to manage your emotions!💪