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From the author: A first-grader is growing up in your family. To the September concerns about a school bag for a first-grader, school uniform, flowers, parents of first-graders should also add organizing the workplace. Let's talk about the basic rules for organizing a student's home workplace. During the adaptation period of a first-grader, the main task of a properly organized workplace is to set the mood for studying and doing homework. To create a working atmosphere, it is important: - isolation of the student’s workplace from external sounds; - correct lighting (light should fall from the left); - convenient location of everything necessary for completing tasks: writing utensils, textbooks, notebooks. It is best to place the first-grader’s desk to the right of the window in order to organize proper lighting of the student’s workplace and the ability to ventilate the room. When placing the monitor away from the computer, make sure that it does not clutter the work surface of the table. Not far from the desktop it is optimal to place shelves or racks for school supplies. You should not install shelves directly above the table - this causes a pressing sensation. It is very convenient if there is a special space near the desktop where you can attach notes: class schedules, notes, for example, a balsa board. If you create such a place yourself, teach your child to use it, then, firstly, you will save walls, and secondly, you will help the first-grader become more organized and disciplined. If the child does not have his own separate room, the student’s workplace can be organized , using various partitions - from curtains to fencing with a closet. The main goal in this case will be the opportunity for the child to retire, to visually isolate himself from the hustle and bustle of home. Sound insulation in the room will also be of great importance when doing homework. A properly organized student's workplace allows one to avoid such frequently occurring problems during the learning process as impaired vision and poor posture. But for this, parents must teach the first-grader to sit correctly at the desk and correctly position the notebook and book when reading. If you are not ready to radically change the decor of the room with the help of a screen, use folding school tables and chairs. This is a lifesaver for many parents.