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According to the currently most commonly used age periodizations, authored by Erik Erikson and L.S. Vygodsky, we can conclude that one of the most critical, and at the same time important, in a person’s life is the transitional age, the period from 12 to 18 years. It begins with puberty, a surge of hormones, new interests, and ends with the final formation of a holistic personality. One of the most important components of personality is sexual skills. The sexual sphere includes not only the direct processes of reproduction, but is also largely responsible for the formation of a healthy human personality, the strength of such an important component of society as the family, but also the overall health of the population. Unfortunately, due to the absence, at present, clear recommendations on sex education for children and adolescents, we observe unpleasant statistics in society when, according to the Russian Ministry of Health, the average age of onset of sexual relations is 15 years, which does not reach not only the age of majority, but also the age of consent established by law. According to WHO statistics for 2019-21, 63 thousand cases of STIs per year among young people under 17 years of age, in 28% of cases a mixed infection (2 or more infections) was detected in adolescents. The number of cases of prostatitis among young men is growing, although this disease is characteristic of the age of 35 years. The beginning of the process of puberty and the awakening sexual desire with it pushes adolescents to search for information, but due to the almost complete information vacuum in families and schools, this vacuum is filled false information from the Internet. In this case, a source of information for a teenager can be either a “sex coach” or viewing materials with erotic content. According to unconfirmed data from various sources, the proportion of teenagers under the age of 13 who have watched porn at least once is close to 100%. All these and many other facts lead to the formation in adolescents of the wrong idea about sexual hygiene, marital relations. It should be noted that the lack of basic sex education, ignorance of the names of the genital organs, etc. makes children easy prey for pedophile criminals. What measures are needed to solve this situation? Sexual education of a child should begin in the family. It is clear that at different ages a child needs a different amount of information, but it should be there. It is in the family at an early age that the child must learn the primary concepts that he has genitals, know what they are called, understand that they are important for his subsequent life, the child needs the concept of intimate life (we are not talking about sex, but about separation of personal and public, gender difference), and the fact that only close people and a doctor can have access to his naked body, and only with his consent. Also, a child should not feel shame exploring his body and asking questions about who he is and where he came from. Many books have been written about how to properly present this material to a child, and due to the condensed format of the article, we will not dwell on this point in detail. Sex education of a child continues in kindergarten; in essence, the simple issue of understanding that there are boys and there are girls is resolved here. At this stage, this is enough. Primary school should give the child a broader understanding of the issue of family relationships. After all, it is here that, starting to communicate with peers, he sees the differences between the family where he grows up and is brought up with the families of his classmates. Also in elementary school, in addition to learning the basic rules of the road, the child must also learn the rules of safe behavior, know the emergency numbers and helpline, understand that in addition to emergency situations, you can contact the service with a seemingly insignificant question (very often behind such questions lies the sexual aggression of peers, elders, or even someone from the household). With the onset of puberty.